Communications common carrier definition

Communications common carrier means any person engaged as a common carrier for hire in intrastate, interstate, or foreign communication by wire or radio, including a provider of electronic communication service. However, a person engaged in radio broadcasting is not, when that person is so engaged, a communications common carrier.
Communications common carrier means any person engaged as a common carrier for hire in
Communications common carrier means a person who owns or operates a telephone system in this state that includes equipment or facilities for the conveyance, transmission, or reception of communications and who receives compensation from persons who use that system.

Examples of Communications common carrier in a sentence

  • As a result of that transaction, DT held a 74 percent ownership interest in the T-Mobile USA/MetroPCS Communications common carrier licensees (including T-Mobile), and former MetroPCS Communications’ shareholders retained the remaining 26 percent ownership interest.24 Since that time, DT’s ownership interest in T-Mobile US has decreased to approximately 66.79 percent.

  • T h e followi n g defi n i t io n s a ppl y h e r e- i n—( a) Communications common carrier o r carrier m e a n s a ny pe r so n g a ged i n co m - m un ic a t io n s co mm o n c a rr i a ge fo r h i r e, i n i n t r a s t a t e, i n t e r s t a t e, o r i n t e r - n a t io n a l t eleco mm un ic a t io n s.( b) Circuit m e a n s a c a rr ie r’s specific desig n a t io n of t h e ove r a ll fa cili t ies p r ovided be t wee n , a n d i n cl u di n g, t e r - m i n a l s fo r furn i s h i n g se r vice.

More Definitions of Communications common carrier

Communications common carrier means any telegraph company or telephone company and any radio common carrier.
Communications common carrier means any person, party, or entity which
Communications common carrier means any person engaged as a common carrier for hire in communication by wire or radio, or electronic communications; however, a person engaged in commercial radio broadcasting which is supervised by the Federal Communications Commission shall not, insofar as such person is so engaged, be deemed a common carrier.
Communications common carrier means any person engaged as a common carrier
Communications common carrier means a business or person
Communications common carrier means a person that:
Communications common carrier means a person who is engaged as a common carrier for hire in intrastate, interstate, or foreign communications by wire, radio, or radio transmission of energy. "Communications common carrier" does not include, to the extent that the person is engaged in radio broadcasting, a person engaged in radio broadcasting.