Examples of Compound fracture in a sentence
Compound fracture femur: Exposed fractured femur protruding from mid-thigh.
Compound fracture radius: Severe laceration to the dorsum of the hand with exposed bone and soft tissue.
Compound fracture accounted for 93 (79%) of the post traumatic onset and the osteomyelitis followed simple fractures in 12 (10%) of the patients.
Compound fracture: The bone is broken, and there is an external wound leading down to the site of fracture or fragments of bone protrude through the skin.
IMMEDIATE CAUSE OF DEATH: “most recent condition”(Final disease condition resulting in death) (A) Compound fracture of skull Due to (or consequence of)Approximate interval: Onset to death"B.
Compound fracture: the role of semantic transparency and morphological headedness.