Examples of Credit Authority in a sentence
The federal government establishes the State Annual Credit Authority which limits the dollar amount of tax credits that ADOH may allocate to qualifying Projects and detailed eligibility standards and priority uses for available tax credits.
The State’s Annual Tax Credit Authority is typically insufficient to fund all Applications.
The following guidelines apply equally to projects competing for an allocation of credits under HPD’s Credit Authority and to “as-of-right” credits for tax-exempt bond financed projects.
There are two types of Federal LIHTC and State LIHTC available in Missouri, the “9% Credit” and the “4% Credit.”9% CreditFor purposes of this Plan and the Developer’s Guide, the cumulative amount of both Federal and State 9% Credits MHDC can allocate for any calendar year shall be known as the “Annual 9% Credit Authority.” Developments applying for an allocation under the Annual 9% Credit Authority receive what is commonly known as the 9% Credit.
The following type of developments shall be designated “Tier 2” developments and shall receive a reservation of credits after all Tier 1 developments: any Tier 1 developments not fully- funded in Tier 1 and all remaining developments ranking above threshold.Credits pre-allocated to developments from the New Construction Pool or At-Large Pool will not change Total Credit Authority in the geographic pools.
In this Direct Debit Agreement:Account means the account identified as the direct debit account in the Direct Debit / Credit Authority Form, but only if that account is held with a Financial Institution.
There are two types of State LIHTC and Federal LIHTC available in Missouri, the “9% Credit” and the “4% Credit.”9% CreditFor purposes of this Plan and the Developer’s Guide, the cumulative amount of both State and Federal 9% Credits MHDC can allocate for any calendar year shall be known as the “Annual 9% Credit Authority.” Developments applying for an allocation under the Annual 9% Credit Authority receive what is commonly known as the 9% Credit.
There are two types of Federal LIHTC available in Missouri, the “9% Credit” and the “4% Credit.”9% CreditFor purposes of this Plan and the Developer’s Guide, the amount of Federal 9% Credits MHDC can allocate for any calendar year shall be known as the “Annual 9% Credit Authority.” Developments applying for an allocation under the Annual 9% Credit Authority receive what is commonly known as the 9% Credit.
The State’s Annual Tax Credit Authority is typically insufficient to fund all applications.
A Unique Approach to Financing Rural Infrastructure The novel approach adopted to finance the project consists of the private placement of rated local currency notes which benefit from a partial credit enhancement issued by The United States Agency for International Development under its Development Credit Authority (DCA) which ultimately reduces the risk to the project and the private sector investors.