Examples of credit institutions in a sentence
In the event that a debtor country encounters temporary payment difficulties and requests debt rescheduling with respect to external public debt (whose creditors are Sovereigns, Trade Insurance Institutions and Export Credit Institutions, etc.) due to an unfavorable balance of international payment, meetings of creditor countries (the “Paris Club”) would be held to discuss debt relief measures (rescheduling).
OC) refers to companies that are neither Credit Institutions nor Financial Institutions by the definitions of the Austrian Banking Act.
Pursuant to the foregoing, Banco Santander is subject to the Mexican banking laws, rules and regulations, and in particular the Credit Institutions Law (Ley de Instituciones de Crédito) ("LIC").
To: The Minister for Finance We refer to the eligible liability guarantee contained in the Credit Institutions (Eligible Liabilities Guarantee) Scheme 2009 (the “Guarantee”).
That in fulfillment of Article 106, item (b), paragraph XIX of the Law of Credit Institutions, its contents are transcribed.