Examples of Credit Linked Interest in a sentence
The Covered Bonds in this Series may be Fixed Rate Covered Bonds, Floating Rate Covered Bonds, Zero Coupon Covered Bonds, Index Linked Interest Covered Bonds, Credit Linked Interest Covered Bonds, Equity Linked Interest Covered Bonds, Dual Currency Interest Covered Bonds or a combination of any of the foregoing, depending upon the Interest Basis shown in the applicable Final Terms Document.
In the case of Currency Linked Interest Notes, Commodity Linked Interest Notes, Index Linked Interest Notes, Fund Linked Interest Notes, Credit Linked Interest Notes and Equity Linked Interest Notes, the rate or amount of interest payable in respect of each Interest Period or specified Interest Payment Date, as the case may be, shall be determined in the manner specified in the applicable Final Terms.
The Principal Paying Agent, in the case of Floating Rate Notes, and the Calculation Agent, in the case of Index Linked Interest Notes, Credit Linked Interest Notes and Equity Linked Interest Notes, will at or as soon as practicable after each time at which the Rate of Interest is to be determined, determine the Rate of Interest for the relevant Interest Period.
In the case where a Credit Linked Note is a Credit Linked Interest Note only, the credit-linked redemption provisions in these Terms and Conditions shall not apply to it.
Credit Linked Note means a Credit Linked Interest Note, a Credit Linked Redemption Note or a combination of the foregoing.
Interest payable on Credit Linked Interest Notes may be calculated by reference to the value of one or more Reference Item(s) and may cease to bear interest on or prior to the date of occurrence of certain circumstances.
Credit Linked Interest Notes and Credit Linked Redemption Notes are referred to herein as “Credit Linked Notes”.
Credit Linked Notes are Credit Linked Interest Notes and Credit Linked Redemption Notes.
Notes of one Specified Denomination may not be exchanged for Notes of another Specified Denomination and Bearer Notes may not be exchanged for Registered Notes and vice versa.This Note may be a Fixed Rate Note, a Floating Rate Note, a Zero Coupon Note, an Index Linked Interest Note, a Dual Currency Interest Note, a Credit Linked Interest Note, an Extendible Note (each as hereinafter defined), or a combination of any of the foregoing, depending upon the Interest Basis shown in the applicable Final Terms.
If mailed using regular mail, the Settlement Notice shall be mailed by first-class mail, postage prepaid,.