Credit union service organization means an organization, corporation, or association whose membership or ownership is primarily confined or restricted to credit unions or organizations of credit unions and whose purpose is primarily designed to provide services to credit unions, organizations of credit unions, or credit union members.
Credit union service organization means a CUSO as defined in 12 C.F.R. 702.2.
Credit union service organization means an organization
Examples of Credit union service organization in a sentence
A F ede ra l c r edi t un io n m u s t follow ge n e ra ll y a ccep t ed a cco un t i n g p r i n ciples ( GAA P ) i n i t s i n volve m e n t wi t h c r edi t un io n se r vice o r g an iza- t io n s.( ii) Credit union service organization Accounting; audits and fin ancial state- ments; NCUA access to books and Records.
More Definitions of Credit union service organization
Credit union service organization means an entity organized under state or federal law to provide credit union service organization services primarily to its members, to Connecticut credit unions, federal credit unions and out-of-state credit unions other than its members, and to members of any such other credit unions;
Credit union service organization means a corporation or other legal entity that is engaged primarily in providing 1 or more of the products or services described in section 407 to credit unions or their members, that a domestic credit union may organize, invest in, or lend to under section 401(2)(gg), and that may or may not be controlled by 1 or more credit unions.
Credit union service organization means a corporation, limited partnership, or limited liability company organized under state law to provide financial and financial-related services for one or more credit unions, each of which owns part of the capital stock of the credit union service organization, as authorized under section 533.301, subsection 5, paragraph “f”, and which corporation, limited partnership, or limited liability company is subject to examination by the credit union division of the Iowa department of commerce or a federal supervisory agency.
Credit union service organization means an organization that a credit union has invested in pursuant to RCW 31.12.436(1)(h), or a credit union service organization invested in by an out-of-state, federal, or foreign credit union.
Credit union service organization means a corporation or other organization that is engaged primarily in providing 1 or more of the products or services described in section 407 to credit unions or their members and that a domestic credit union may organize, invest in, or lend to under section 401(2)(gg).
Credit union service organization or "CUSO" means an organization formed and operated by credit union(s), or associations or organizations of credit unions, to provide financial or operational products or services to credit unions or credit union members.
Credit union service organization means an entity: