Credit Unions Sample Clauses

Credit Unions. A body corporate registered under the Industrial and Provident Societies Xxx 0000 as a credit union in accordance with the Credit Unions Act or a body corporate registered under the Credit Unions (Northern Ireland) Order 1985 or a body corporate registered under the Industrial and Provident Societies Act (Northern Ireland) 1969 as a credit union.
Credit Unions. In the event that the Union signatory to this Agreement or its local Unions (whether called locals or by other names) presently operate or shall hereafter establish and charter credit unions, the Employer shall, without charge, authorize and provide space, if available, for the operation of such credit unions in Federal buildings, in other than workroom space. Any postal employee who is an employee of any such credit union or an officer, official, or Board member of any such credit union, shall, if such employee can be spared, be granted annual leave or leave without pay, at the option of the employee, for up to eight (8) hours daily, to perform credit union duties.
Credit Unions. In the event that the Union signatory to this Agreement presently operates or shall thereafter establish and charter credit unions, the Employer shall without charge, authorize and provide space, if available, for the operation of such credit unions in appropriate buildings, in other than workroom space. Any Center employee of any such credit union shall, if such employee can be spared, be granted annual leave or leave without pay, at the option of the employee, for up to four (4) hours daily, to perform credit union duties.
Credit Unions. Any employee who wishes to have a payroll deduction made and remitted to a Credit Union must have such remittance made to the Credit Union according to the wishes of the majority of the employees at the terminal involved.
Credit Unions. Any employee who is employed where there has been no established Credit Union must join the Credit Union which is the choice of the majority of the employees in the terminal where he is employed in order to have payroll deductions made on his behalf. In the event that an employee belongs to more than one Credit Union, he must make any additional remittances to other than the one specified on his own behalf. Any former Credit Union practices which have been established prior to the signing of this Agreement will be maintained by the company for the employees.
Credit Unions. In cooperation with the Educational Community Credit Union and the Washington School Employees Credit Union, the District shall provide payroll deduction services, as authorized once a year by the employee, for payments to one (1) or the other of said credit unions.
Credit Unions. Employees may designate a portion of their paycheck to be deposited into one of the credit unions designated by the District, on the same terms as other represented District employees.
Credit Unions. The Company agrees to deduct the earnings of each employee who submits a voluntary check-off authorization such amount as the employee has authorized to be transmitted on behalf to the Credit Union. The moneys so deducted shall be transmitted to the Credit Union together with the list showing the names of the employees for whom the deductions were made.
Credit Unions. Any other plans jointly approved by the Association and Board.
Credit Unions. Any others jointly approved by the Association and the Board.