Examples of Cutback asphalt in a sentence
Cut-back asphalt - A liquid petroleum product produced by fluxing an asphaltic base with suitable petroleum distillates, used in treatment of road surfaces.
Therefore, the following limitations may apply: ● Open burning is prohibited during the months of May, June, July, August, and September in VOC Emissions Control areas● Cutback asphalt is prohibited April through October except when use or application as a penetrating prime coat or tack is necessary in VOC Emissions Control areas Table 1.
Cutback asphalt is used in tack and seal operations, in priming roadbeds for hot-mix application and for paving operations for pavements up to several inches thick.
Cut-back asphalt is defined as any asphaltic cement that has been liquefied by blending with petroleum solvents (diluents).
Cutback asphalt grade is designated as shown in AASHTO M 81 or M 82.