Available Flowgate Capability definition

Available Flowgate Capability or “AFC” shall mean the rating of the applicable Flowgate less the projected loading across the applicable Flowgate less TRM and CBM. The firm AFC is calculated with only the appropriate Firm Transmission Service reservations (or interchange schedules) in the model, including recognition of all roll-over Transmission Service rights. Non- firm AFC is determined with appropriate firm and non-firm reservations (or interchange schedules) modeled.
Available Flowgate Capability or “AFC” shall mean the rating of the applicable Flowgate less the projected loading across the applicable Flowgate less TRM and CBM. The firm AFC is calculated with only the appropriate Firm Transmission Service reservations (or interchange schedules) in the model, including recognition of all roll-over Transmission Service rights. Non-firm AFC is determined with appropriate firm and non-firm reservations (or interchange schedules) modeled.
Available Flowgate Capability shall have the meaning stated in Section

Examples of Available Flowgate Capability in a sentence

  • This involves data on transmission outages, transmission reservation requests, ATC, Available Flowgate Capability (“AFC”), TLR and curtailments or other actions taken by Duke to manage congestion.

  • The MOD Changes replace, consolidate and improve upon the Existing MOD Standards in addressing the reliability issues associated with determinations of Available Transfer Capability (“ATC”) and Available Flowgate Capability (“AFC”).

  • Available Flowgate Capability Available Transfer Capability Delivery Point – per the OATT Section 31.4 is an interconnection point between the Transmission Owner’s Transmission System and a Network Load.

  • This study shall be performed assuming the system topology represented by the base cases used to calculate Available Flowgate Capability, as described in Attachment C of the Tariff, with dispatch and optimization algorithms posted on the MISO internet site and operation above those limits will be deemed as unauthorized use of the Transmission System and subject to provisions in the Tariff surrounding that use.

  • This study shall be performed assuming the system topology represented by the base cases used to calculate Available Flowgate Capability as described in Attachment C of this Tariff with dispatch and optimization algorithms posted on the MISO internet site.

  • The Available Flowgate Capability (“AFC”) is the applicable rating of the flowgate less the projected loading across the particular flowgate less Transmission Reliability Margin and Capacity Benefits Margin.

  • A Transmission Operator (TOP) must select a single methodology (Area Interchange, Rated System Path or Flowgate) for calculating ATC or Available Flowgate Capability (AFC) for each ATC Path for each time frame (hourly, daily or monthly) for those facilities in it area.

  • The WEQ Version 003.3 Standards include, in their entirety, the WEQ-023 Modeling Business Practice Standards contained in the WEQ Version 003.1 Standards, which address the technical issues affecting Available Transfer Capability (“ATC”) and Available Flowgate Capability (“AFC”) calculation for wholesale electric transmission services, with the addition of certain revisions and corrections.

  • Available Flowgate Capability shall mean the rating of the applicable Flowgate less the projected loading across the applicable Flowgate less TRM and CBM.

  • NERC had previously filed a petition with the Commission on February 10, 2014, proposing to retire NERC’s six MOD A Reliability Standards and replace them with Reliability Standard MOD-001-2, which NERC stated will focus exclusively on the reliability aspects of Available Flowgate Capability (AFC) and Available Transfer Capability (ATC).

More Definitions of Available Flowgate Capability

Available Flowgate Capability means the amount of transfer capability over a Flowgate that remains available for additional transmission service reservations above and beyond existing uses of that Flowgate capacity.
Available Flowgate Capability or “AFC” shall mean the rating of the applicable Flowgate less the projected loading across the applicable Flowgate less TRM and CBM. The firm AFC is calculated with only the appropriate Firm Transmission Service reservations (or interchange
Available Flowgate Capability means the measure of the flow capability remaining on a Flowgate for further commercial activity over and above already committed uses. It is defined as TFC less Existing Transmission Commitments (ETC), less a Capacity Benefit Margin, less a Transmission Reliability Margin, plus Postbacks, and plus counterflows.
Available Flowgate Capability. (AFC) or Available Transfer Capability (ATC) shall mean a measure of the transfer capability remaining on a Flowgate for further commercial activity over and above already committed uses. It is defined as Flowgate Rating, or TTC, less existing transmission commitments (including retail customer service), less a Capacity Benefit Margin (CBM), less a Transmission Reliability Margin (TRM).

Related to Available Flowgate Capability

  • Available Transfer Capability or “ATC” shall mean a measure of the transfer capability remaining in the physical transmission network for further commercial activity over and above already committed uses.

  • Busy Line Verification (BLV means a service whereby an End User requests an operator to confirm the busy status of a line.