Danish GAAP definition

Danish GAAP means the provisions of the Danish Financial Statement Act governing reporting class B enterprises with the additional provisions of the Danish Financial Statement Act governing reporting class C enterprises.

Examples of Danish GAAP in a sentence

  • According to Danish GAAP derivative financial instruments are initially recognized in the balance sheet at cost and are subsequently measured at fair value.

  • All inventory of the Company reflected on the Financial Statements consists of a quality and quantity useable and saleable in the ordinary course of business and at normal profit levels; had a commercial value at least equal to the value shown on the Financial Statements; and is valued in accordance with Danish GAAP at the lower of average cost (on a LIFO basis); was not slow-moving as determined in accordance with past practices; obsolete or damaged.

  • Three months ended March 31, 2012: $156,026 In fiscal 2011, the development costs that were capitalized for Danish GAAP purposes exceeded the amount of amortization expense recorded for the year.

  • Dear Mr. Jensen We have completed our audit of the Danish GAAP consolidated statutory financial statements of EuroTrust A/S for the year ended December 31, 2002 however, KPMG has not yet completed the audit and review of the financial statements to be included in Form 20-F.

  • In accordance with Danish GAAP, revenue is in general recognized when the delivery has occurred, a binding sale agreement has been made, the sales price is fixed and determinable and collection is probable.

  • To transition the Dansensor research and development expenses accounting treatment from Danish GAAP to U.S. GAAP.

  • In accordance with Danish GAAP, securities are measured at their fair values.

  • The reason for the change of general accounting policies from IFRS to Danish GAAP is linked to the IPO listing in the US.

  • As the Company did not apply these optional accounting policy elections, no material variations exist on the reconciliation between Danish GAAP and US GAAP.

  • While recognition and measurement differences between the accounting GAAPs were assessed as having a potential impact, the impact was limited to optional accounting policy permitted under Danish GAAP and not permitted under US GAAP.

Related to Danish GAAP

  • UK GAAP means generally accepted accounting principles in the United Kingdom.

  • U.S. GAAP means United States generally accepted accounting principles.

  • PRC GAAP means the generally accepted accounting principles of the PRC.

  • GAAP means generally accepted accounting principles as in effect from time to time in the United States of America.

  • Brazilian GAAP means the generally accepted accounting practices adopted in Brazil determined in accordance with the Brazilian corporate law.

  • IFRS means International Financial Reporting Standards as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board.

  • Canadian GAAP means Generally Accepted Accounting Principles as provided in the Handbook of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants.

  • Accounting Principles means the international financial reporting standards (IFRS) within the meaning of Regulation 1606/2002/EC (or as otherwise adopted or amended from time to time).

  • Mexican GAAP means generally accepted accounting principles in Mexico in effect on the Issue Date.

  • Australian Accounting Standards refers to the standards of that name, as amended from time to time, that are maintained by the Australian Accounting Standards Board referred to in section 227 of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act 2001 (Cth);

  • Agreed Accounting Principles means GAAP; provided, however, that, with respect to any matter as to which there is more than one generally accepted accounting principle, Agreed Accounting Principles means the generally accepted accounting principles consistently applied in the preparation of the Latest Audited Company Balance Sheet; provided, further, that, for purposes of the Agreed Accounting Principles, no known adjustments for items or matters, regardless of the amount thereof, shall be deemed to be immaterial.

  • Agreement Accounting Principles means generally accepted accounting principles as in effect from time to time, applied in a manner consistent with those used in preparing the financial statements referred to in Section 5.5.

  • HKFRS Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards issued by the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants

  • Generally Accepted Accounting Principles means the standards for accounting and preparation of financial statements established by the Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board (or its successor agency) or any successor standards adopted pursuant to relevant SEC rule.

  • UK generally accepted accounting principles and practices means the principles and practices prevailing from time to time in the United Kingdom which are generally regarded as permissible or legitimate by the accountancy profession irrespective of the degree of use.

  • SAP means the SAP entity that has entered into this Agreement, as well its Affiliates.

  • IAS means International Accounting Standards;

  • Fixed GAAP Terms means (a) the definitions of the terms “Capitalized Lease Obligation,” “Consolidated Interest Expense,” “Consolidated Net Income,” “Consolidated Net Tangible Assets,” “Consolidated Total Assets,” “Consolidated Senior Secured Net Debt Ratio,” “Consolidated Total Net Debt Ratio,” “Consolidated Total Indebtedness,” “Consolidated EBITDA” and “Indebtedness,” (b) all defined terms in this Indenture to the extent used in or relating to any of the foregoing definitions, and all ratios and computations based on any of the foregoing definitions, and (c) any other term or provision of this Indenture or the Notes that, at the Issuer’s election, may be specified by the Issuer by written notice to the Trustee from time to time; provided that the Issuer may elect to remove any term from constituting a Fixed GAAP Term.

  • Fixed GAAP Date means the Issue Date; provided that at any time after the Issue Date, the Company may by written notice to the Trustee elect to change the Fixed GAAP Date to be the date specified in such notice, and upon such notice, the Fixed GAAP Date shall be such date for all periods beginning on and after the date specified in such notice.

  • Accounting Policies means GAAP, applied in a manner consistent with the accounting policies, principles, practices and methodologies used in the preparation of the Audited Balance Sheet.

  • Accounting system means the Contractor's system or systems for accounting methods, procedures, and controls established to gather, record, classify, analyze, summarize, interpret, and present accurate and timely financial data for reporting in compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and management decisions, and may include subsystems for specific areas such as indirect and other direct costs, compensation, billing, labor, and general information technology.

  • IASB means the International Accounting Standards Board;

  • Applicable Accounting Principles means, with respect to the Borrower, those accounting principles required by the ICA and prescribed by the SEC for the Borrower and, to the extent not so required or prescribed, GAAP.

  • Accounting Standard means GAAP.

  • Accounting Standards means the standards of accounting or any addendum thereto for companies or class of companies referred to in section 133;

  • Consolidated Net Income (Loss) of any Person means, for any period, the Consolidated net income (or loss) of such Person and its Subsidiaries for such period on a Consolidated basis as determined in accordance with GAAP, adjusted, to the extent included in calculating such net income (or loss), by excluding, without duplication, (i) all extraordinary gains or losses (exclusive of all fees and expenses relating thereto), (ii) the portion of net income (or loss) of such Person and its Subsidiaries on a Consolidated basis allocable to minority interests in unconsolidated Persons to the extent that cash dividends or distributions have not actually been received by such Person or one of its Subsidiaries, (iii) net income (or loss) of any Person combined with such Person or any of its Subsidiaries on a “pooling of interests” basis attributable to any period prior to the date of combination, (iv) any gain or loss, net of taxes, realized upon the termination of any employee pension benefit plan, (v) net gains (or losses) (except for all fees and expenses relating thereto) in respect of dispositions of assets other than in the ordinary course of business, (vi) the net income of any Subsidiary to the extent that the declaration of dividends or similar distributions by that Subsidiary of that income is not at the time permitted, directly or indirectly, by operation of the terms of its charter or any agreement, instrument, judgment, decree, order, statute, rule or governmental regulation applicable to that Subsidiary or its stockholders, (vii) any gain arising from the acquisition of any securities, or the extinguishment, under GAAP, of any Indebtedness of such Person, (viii) transaction costs charged in connection with the Refinancing, or (ix) amortization of intangible assets of such Person and its Subsidiaries on a consolidated basis under GAAP.