Day-ahead Energy Market definition
Examples of Day-ahead Energy Market in a sentence
All Virtual Transactions submitted to PJM shall be subject to a credit screen prior to acceptance in the Day-ahead Energy Market.
Only Economic Load Response Participants shall be eligible to participate in the Real-time Energy Market and the Day-ahead Energy Market by submitting offers to the Office of the Interconnection to reduce demand.
Bilateral transactions as to which the parties have notified the Office of the Interconnection by the deadline specified in Section 1.10.1A that they elect not to be included in the Day-ahead Energy Market and that they are not willing to incur Transmission Congestion Charges in the Real-time Energy Market shall be curtailed by the Office of the Interconnection as necessary to reduce or alleviate transmission congestion.
All virtual bids submitted to PJM shall be subject to a credit screen prior to acceptance in the Day-ahead Energy Market auction.
All Virtual Transactions submitted to PJM shall be subject to a credit screen prior to acceptance in the Day-ahead Energy Market auction.