Examples of Delivery Partnership in a sentence
Answer: If identified as the most appropriate provider, eligible activities can be delivered through Delivery Partnership arrangements with organisations such as, but not limited to:• Town/Parish Councils.• Country Councils.• Local Highways or Transport Authorities.• Business Improvement Districts, Chambers of Commerce (or other relevant Business Representative Organisations).• Destination Management Organisations.
Please note all ERDF Delivery Partnership arrangements will require a Service Level Agreement (SLA) with the identified Delivery Partner (we are not able to provide a template SLA).
An ERDF Delivery Partnership is a financial arrangement where the other organisation can defray costs themselves in the same way that the lead local authority with an WBF allocation can.
Partnership Activity to Deliver Against National OutcomesThe Health and Wellbeing Strategic Delivery Partnership (SDP) within South Ayrshire’s Community Planning Partnership is establishing a baseline position of the work that is already in place within South Ayrshire to tackle aspects of Health Inequality.
Staff will need to have a clear sense of the local strategy in place for supporting claimants with specific complex needs and will need to have knowledge of, and access to, the bigger picture holistic support available for the people they are working with.Overarching Partnership Agreement / Delivery Partnership AgreementOverarching Partnership AgreementsWork is progressing on the design and development of the OPA that will be signed by DWP and each of the LAAs in England, Scotland and Wales.
The Revenues & Benefits Programme Manager presented the report which detailed the proposed Delivery Partnership Agreement with the Department of Work and Pensions for the provision of services required for 2016 and in subsequent years as a consequence of the roll out of Universal Credit.
The development of a Peterborough Delivery Partnership has been put in place with key partners.
In Scotland, there will be an OPA between Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA), Scottish Government and the DWP, favouring the Community Planning Partnerships (CPP) as the multi-agency setting for agreeing the Delivery Partnership Agreements (DPA).
Insert LA Name] Council have agreed to be a delivery partner from XX/XX/2015 to 31/03/2016 in accordance with this Delivery Partnership (DP).
In case of positive recommendation, the Delivery Partnership will be informed and shall take into account all information necessary for the delivery of the final report.