Examples of Demand Resource Sell Offer Plan in a sentence
The Demand Resource Provider shall provide an approximate timeline for procuring end-use customer sites as needed to physically deliver the total Nominated DR Value (for both Existing Demand Resources and Planned Demand Resources) by Zone/sub-Zone in the Demand Resource Sell Offer Plan.
The Demand Resource Sell Offer Plan shall include all Existing Demand Resources and all Planned Demand Resources that the Demand Resource Provider intends to offer into an RPM Auction or include in an FRR Capacity Plan.
The Demand Resource Sell Offer Plan must provide information that supports the Demand Resource Provider’s intended Demand Resource Sell Offers and demonstrates that the Demand Resources are being offered with the intention that the MW quantity that clears the auction is reasonably expected to be physically delivered through Demand Resource registrations for the relevant Delivery Year.
A Demand Resource Sell Offer Plan shall consist of a completed template document in the form posted on the PJM website, requiring the information set forth below and in the PJM Manuals, and a Demand Resource Officer Certification Form signed by an officer of the Demand Resource Provider that is duly authorized to provide such a certification.
The total Nominated DR Value in MWs for each Zone/sub-Zone shall be the sum of the Nominated DR Value of Existing Demand Resources and the Nominated DR Value of Planned Demand Resources, and shall be the maximum MW amount the Provider intends to offer in the RPM Auction for the indicated Zone/sub- Zone, provided that nothing herein shall preclude the Demand Resource Provider from offering in the auction a lesser amount than the total Nominated DR Value shown in its Demand Resource Sell Offer Plan.
No later than 30 days prior to the RPM Auction in which a Demand Resource Provider intends to offer a Demand Resource, the Demand Resource Provider shall submit to PJM a completed Demand Resource Sell Offer Plan template and a Demand Resource Officer Certification Form signed by a duly authorized officer of the Provider.
The total Nominated DR Value in MWs for each Zone/sub-Zone shall be the sum of the Nominated DR Value of Existing Demand Resources and the Nominated DR Value of Planned Demand Resources, and shall be the maximum MW amount the Provider intends to offer in the RPM Auction for the indicated Zone/sub-Zone, provided that nothing herein shall preclude the Demand Resource Provider from offering in the auction a lesser amount than the total Nominated DR Value shown in its Demand Resource Sell Offer Plan.
Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the FRR Entity must submit a Demand Resource Sell Offer Plan 15 business days before the deadline for submitting an FRR Capacity Plan as to any Demand Resources it intends to include in such FRR Capacity Plan and may only include in such FRR Capacity Plan Demand Resources that are approved by PJM following review of such Demand Resource Sell Offer Plan.
No later than 15 business days prior to the RPM Auction in which a Demand Resource Provider intends to offer a Demand Resource, the Demand Resource Provider shall submit to PJM a completed Demand Resource Sell Offer Plan template and a Demand Resource Officer Certification Form signed by a duly authorized officer of the Provider.
No later than 15 Business Days prior to the RPM Auction in which a Demand Resource Provider intends to offer a Demand Resource, the Demand Resource Provider shall submit to PJM a completed Demand Resource Sell Offer Plan template and a Demand Resource Officer Certification Form signed by a duly authorized officer of the Provider.