Designated Group definition

Designated Group means - i) Black designated groups; ii) Black People; iii) Women; iv) people with disabilities or v) Small enterprise, as defined in Section 1 of National Small Enterprise Act, (102 of 1996)
Designated Group means black designated groups, black people, women, people with disabilities; or small enterprises which are enterprises, owned, managed, and controlled by previously disadvantaged persons and which is overcoming business impediments arising from the legacy of apartheid.
Designated Group means Black designated groups;Black people;Women;People with disabilities; orSmall enterprises as defined in sections 1 of the National Small Enterprise Act, 1996 (Act No. 102 of 1996)

Examples of Designated Group in a sentence

  • B-BBEE Status Level of ContributorNumber of points (80/20 system) Designated Group: An EME or QSE which is at last 51% owned by: 8.

  • The counterparty to the Crossing Transaction will be the Designated Group Member of an Inflation Clearing Group in respect of whose Market Data Provider submitted the Key Tenor Market Data in the relevant Index on the relevant Inflation Swap Business Day which most closely reflected the SwapClear End of Day Price.

  • An Inflation Clearing Group will be notified of the obligation to enter into a Crossing Transaction (through its Designated Group Member) in advance of the following Inflation Swap Business Day.

  • In respect of an Index, where the Group Members of an Inflation Clearing Group receive in aggregate 2 or more Non-performance Notices in a calendar month the Clearing House will require its Designated Group Member (the "Non-Performer"), to enter into a Crossing Transaction in the relevant Index in respect of which the second Non-performance Notice was delivered on the terms set out below.

  • YES NO v) Specify, by ticking the appropriate box, if subcontracting with an enterprise in terms of Preferential Procurement Regulations,2017: Designated Group: An EME or QSE which is at last 51% owned by:EME√QSE√Black people Black people who are youth Black people who are women Black people with disabilities Black people living in rural or underdeveloped areas or townships Cooperative owned by black people Black people who are military veterans ORAny EME Any QSE 7.

More Definitions of Designated Group

Designated Group means black designated groups, black people, women, people with disabilities or small enterprises as defined in section 1 of the National Small Enterprises Act, 1996 (Act No. 102 of 1996).
Designated Group means any of the following classes of persons:
Designated Group means - i) Black designated groups; ii) Black People; iii) Women; iv) people with
Designated Group means any one of the groups of employees designated as such on Schedule 1 attached hereto.
Designated Group means black people, women and people with disabilities who –
Designated Group means(a) black designated groups;
Designated Group. An EME or QSE which is at last 51% owned by: EME √ QSE √