Direct Billed definition
Examples of Direct Billed in a sentence
The Commission approves of the detail Pay Tel provides its customers in online account statements and revises the Order to require the following minimum account statement information: Prepaid and Direct Billed Service Account Statements General InformationProvider contact information for customer billing inquiries, the Alabama PSC ICS webpage URL, customer account number, account statement date, account activity period.
The Distributor, on giving 20 Working Days’ notice to the Retailer, may add an ICP to, or remove an ICP from, the ICPs subject to direct billing of Distribution Services charges as recorded in the Direct Billed Status on the Registry.
Insurance for Rental Cars:Employees, should not purchase insurance with the Rental Agency, unless it is International Travel; AND, especially when using World Travel’s services for a Direct Billed Car Rental.
UT is only paying for the standard Car Rental charges on car rentals being Direct Billed.
Direct Billed Collect, Prepaid and Debit Call inmate telephone service consists of the provision of automated operator service by means of an Automated Call Processing System.
Such receipts may include but are not limited to: Profit Sharing Commissions, Net Premiums, advertising reimbursements, proceeds from sale of personal money orders, Gross Premiums for Direct Billed and Agency Billed Policies (e.g. on line payments), loan proceeds, Policy Fees (as defined in 1.2 even though included in the definition of Sales Commissions), Company refunds, supplier refunds, and vendor refunds.
Gas for Rental Cars:Travelers should not have the car refueled by the Rental Agency (e.g. National, Enterprise, etc); AND, especially when using World Travel’s services for a Direct Billed Car Rental.
The CDSS’ Financial Analysis Bureau develops ICRs based on actual indirect cost (i.e., Travel, Space, Space – County Cost Allocation Plan (CCAP), Other Operating Costs, Public Agencies CCAP and Public/Private Agencies Direct Billed) that were reported as generic by each county for the four quarters ofFY 2013-14.
Per UT Treasurer’s Office, for Direct Billed Car Rentals, if these policies are not followed, our Direct Bill privileges can be revoked.
The charges for rooms & taxes only will be Direct Billed to the MSL, 0000 Xxxx Xxxx Xxxx, Xxxxxxxxx, XX 00000.