Direct runoff definition

Direct runoff means any of the following:
Direct runoff means a discharge of a significant amount of pollutants to waters of the state resulting from any of the follow- ing practices:
Direct runoff means the flow of rainwater, snowmelt, or spring flow over the land surface toward stream channels.

Examples of Direct runoff in a sentence

  • Direct runoff above and below walls away from walls, if possible, or collect runoff at the walls and transmit it away.

  • Direct runoff from driveways and/or uncovered parking lots onto vegetated areas.

  • Direct runoff from sidewalks, walkways, and/or patios onto vegetated areas.

  • Direct runoff from residential rooftop areas to designated pervious areas to reduce runoff volumes and rates.

  • Direct runoff was developed using a unit hydrograph with a shape factor of 256.

  • Direct runoff, above and below walls, away from walls, if possible, or collect runoff at the walls and transmit it away.

  • Direct runoff to an SCM: The site shall be designed to direct runoff to one or more of the following SCMs stormwater management practices.

  • Direct runoff, above and below walls, away from walls, if possible, or collect runoff at the walls and transmit it away.Cast-in-place coping shall be required for walls without a cast-in-place face.

  • Direct runoff to a BMP: The site shall be designed to direct runoff from areas disturbed during construction to one or more of the following storm water management practices.

  • Direct runoff that poses a threat to public health of safety, or surface and/or groundwater resources because of over-application of manure to cropland or pasture, or any alteration or mismanagement of an animal waste storage facility shall be cleaned up in a reasonable time frame as determined by the department.

Related to Direct runoff

  • direct recruitment means an appointment made otherwise than by promotion from within the Service or by transfer of an official already in the Service of Government of India or any State Government;

  • Direct Patient Care means the provision of health care services provided directly to individuals being treated for or suspected of having physical or mental illnesses. Direct patient care includes both, face-to-face and telehealth-based preventative care and first-line supervision.