Examples of Disposal of Land in a sentence
Section 74 (2A) of the Local Government in Scotland Act 1973 and the Disposal of Land by Local Authorities (Scotland) Regulations 2010 apply to disposals of assets for less than market value or best consideration.
Disposal of Land, Buildings or Equipment J.1 Please refer to the requirements of the Financial Procedure Rules concerning the disposal of Land and Buildings (Section 6.6.e) or the disposal of surplus or obsolete materials, stores or equipment (Section 6.6.f).
In setting the transfer price, regard will be had to the requirements of the Disposal of Land by Local Authorities (Scotland) Regulations 2010.
The Cabinet gave consideration to the commercially sensitive information in relation to Item 12 – Proposed Disposal of Land at Royton District Town Centre.
The program supported students all made great progress on there have won various awards.
Any disposal for less than the recorded value must fulfil the requirements of the Disposal of Land by Local Authorities (Scotland) Regulations 2010.
Councillor Morrell, the Chairman of the Disposal of Land to Registered Providers Task and Finish Review detailed the final recommendations the Group wished to submit to the Executive for endorsement.
Rule 10.2 of Building Bye-laws of the PRDA (Disposal of Land) Rules, 1978 provides for imposition of compounding fee in case the buildings are constructed in violation to the said Bye-laws.
Rules for the Disposal of Land and Real Property (Appendix H) – as proposed by the Borough Solicitor.
The sale of the old RACV will be conducted by public auction as detailed in the Sale and Disposal of Land and Other Assets Policy.