Distribution Pipelines definition
Examples of Distribution Pipelines in a sentence
The hours of work, wage rates, employee benefits and conditions of employment for work on Distribution Pipelines in specified geographical areas are contained in the Laborers Distribution Pipeline Agreement for Canada.
In any geographical area not covered by the Laborers Distribution Pipeline Agreement for Canada, the terms and provisions for Mainline Pipelines contained in this Agreement shall apply to Distribution Pipelines.
The Association and the Union, at any time during the term of this Agreement, may negotiate hours of work, wage rates, employee benefits and conditions of employment for Distribution Pipelines in any geographical area not covered by the Laborers Distribution Pipeline Agreement for Canada and such provisions shall be incorporated into that Agreement.
Limitations associated with Collection and Distribution Pipelines include: • Material resulting from trench excavation may be temporarily sidecast into waters of the U.S. for up to three months provided that the material is not placed in a manner that will allow it to be dispersed by currents or other forces.
The applicable Rate of Return is expressed on a vanilla weighted average cost of capital basis and will apply to the North West Pipeline, South North Pipeline, and each of the Spurs and any associated Postalised Distribution Pipelines.
Our reportable business segments are Electric Transmission & Distribution, Electric Generation, Natural Gas Distribution, Pipelines and Gathering, and Other Operations.
The Company has identified the following reportable business segments: Electric Transmission and Distribution, Electric Generation, Natural Gas Distribution, Pipelines and Gathering, Wholesale Energy, European Energy, Retail Energy and Other Operations.
PUC LEXIS 577 (2009)… 65 Order Instituting Rulemaking on the Commission’s Own Motion to Adopt New Safety and Reliability Regulations for Natural Gas Transmission and Distribution Pipelines and Related Ratemaking Mechanisms,D.11-06-017, 2011 Cal.
Within thirty (30) Days after the Effective Date, Defendants shall make an initial deposit into the Replacement Xxxxx/Distribution Pipeline Capital Costs Escrow Account of four million seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($4,750,000) to be used for Distribution Pipelines, and Replacement Xxxxx & Associated Pipelines.
To the extent feasible, the true-up shall apply the cost allocation of Distribution Pipelines and Replacement Xxxxx presented in Exhibit R to the actual costs of the Distribution Pipelines and Replacement Xxxxx, including approved change orders.