Emergent wetland definition
Examples of Emergent wetland in a sentence
Emergent wetland habitat would continue to remain degraded because of the lack of sufficient water to support native vegetation communities.
A Freshwater Emergent wetland is an herbaceous marsh, fen, swale, or wet meadow.24 The state-level wetland acreage by NWI category from the GIS analysis was used to estimate the proportion of acres in each state that fall under Forested or Emergent wetlands.
The NWI classifies wetland and deepwater habitats by types, utilizing the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Cowardin Classification System as defined by Cowardin et al., 23 as well as categorizing wetlands in groups of similar classifications: Freshwater Forested and Shrub wetland, Freshwater Emergent wetland, Freshwater pond, Estuarine and Marine wetland, Riverine, Lakes, Estuarine and Marine Deepwater, and Other Freshwater wetland.
Emergent wetland: Critical area maps for emergent wetland dependent species are generated by selecting specific land-use classes from the NJDEP’s LU/LC data set.
Mitigation is typically required at the following ratios, although these ratios can vary depending on the type of mitigation proposed: Emergent wetland impacts 1:1 Forested wetland impacts 2:1 Waters of the US 1:1 Options for wetland mitigation include: Nontidal wetland creation to establish nontidal wetlands on upland.