Examples of Wildlife law in a sentence
I want to commend the work that the State of Texas is doing to protect and secure the sovereignty of the United States, including the Department of Public Safety, local law enforcement, Parks and Wildlife law enforcement, the Texas Rangers, and soon to be the National Guard.
Hunting can be exercised in: multiple-use areas; wildlife farms (fazendas do bravio, i.e., pursuant to the tforest and Wildlife law, clearly demarcated areas, whether fenced or not fenced, in which hunting rights are reserved to holders of land use rights or persons authorized by them, if duly licensed) (art.
The framework legislation for this volt-face reversal of policy options is the 1994 Forestry and Wildlife law, which has as primordial objective: ‘the involvement of commu- nities in the management and protection of forest resources’.1 The new Law and its 1995 Decree of Application2 in pursuit of this decentralisation fever elevated the traditional custodians of wildlife resources to the unprecedented status of partners in the management exercise.
Wildlife law enforcement officers benefit from a subsidy for risk corresponding to 20% of the basic salary (art.
Along the same lines, the tforest and Wildlife law includes among its general principles the involvement of local communities, the private sector and civil society and the respect of traditional practices in the conservation and sustainable use of wildlife, in the framework of decentralization (art.