Established Grade means that grade established by the City for the particular area in which a sidewalk is to be constructed.
Established Grade means the average level of proposed or finished ground adjoining a building at all exterior walls;
Established Grade means the average of the highest (A) and lowest (B) elevation of finished surface of the ground where it meets the exterior main walls of a building or the average elevation of the finished grade of the ground immediately surrounding a structure, exclusive in both case of any artificial embankment or entrenchment;
Examples of Established Grade in a sentence
For the purposes of this exception, the maximum Building Height shall be 36 metres measured from Established Grade.
For the purpose of this exception, Established Grade shall mean 139.65 metres Canadian Geodetic Datum.
For the purpose of this exception, Established Grade shall be198.30 metres Canadian Geodetic Datum.
The grade of all sidewalks shall conform to the Established Grade Ordinance and Plan for the street on which the sidewalk is to be constructed.
Established Grade - The grade of the street as established by ordinance at the center line of the street.
More Definitions of Established Grade
Established Grade means the average elevation of the surface of the ground at the base of a structure, exclusive of any embankment in lieu of steps.
Established Grade means the elevation of a street or alley grade as established by the Municipal authorities:
Established Grade means the permanent point of contact of the ground to artificial surface with the casing or curbing of the well.
Established Grade for the West building shall mean 185.31 metres above sea level and for the East Building shall mean 186.32 metres above sea level based on Geodetic Survey of Canada 1929 mean sea level vertical datum (pre-1978 Southern Ontario Adjustment).
Established Grade means the average grade at the sidewalk in front of the building.
Established Grade for Block 4 shall mean 192.35 metres above sea level based on Geodetic Survey of Canada 1929 mean sea level vertical datum (pre-1978 Southern Ontario Adjustment).
Established Grade means the average elevation of the finished surface of the ground where it meets the exterior face of a building or structure, exclusive of any wells providing light or ventilation.