Examples of Ethnic Studies in a sentence
Note - IGETC and IGETC for STEM requirements are subject to change based on the new CSU Ethnic Studies requirement.
General Education Programs consist of those courses and programs developed to satisfy or support the Breadth, Ethnic Studies, Other Culture, and All-University Proficiency Requirements.
Abrial’s methodology starts with a declarative specification of the desired program and gives a set of laws by which specifi- cations can be translated to lower-level specifications until they reach the level of basic program statements orchestrated by the usual control-flow constructs.
Courses meeting the Ethnic Studies/ Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s studies requirement focus on the cultural perspectives of African American, Asian American, Chicano/ Latino, Native American, and Gender, Sexuality, and Women in the United States.
As our students, the overwhelming majority of whom are students of color, advance towards college and career in the 21st century, CNCA has launched an Ethnic Studies for All initiative to ensure that by 2022, all of our students across the LEA receive an education that is relevant, meaningful, and affirming of their identities.