Examples of Experiencing homelessness in a sentence
Provide a description of the process and procedures that are utilized to enroll, identify, and provide all three levels of TEHCY program services and support for homeless children and unaccompanied youth who are: A) Entering and/or returning to their schools from summer or holiday break, B) Experiencing homelessness after the school year has started, C) Are not currently enrolled or attending school, and D) Are eligible for early childhood and/or prekindergarten programs.
Experiencing homelessness greatly increases the likelihood that a formerly incarcerated person will recidivate.
Experiencing homelessness as defined in this Part.b) Potential tenants with criminal justice histories may be eligible for the PSH Bridge Subsidy model contingent on clinical documentation supporting his or her appropriateness to live independently in the community without 24-hour supervision, as determined by DMH.
Such reports must be done in accordance with procedures established through the local Coordinated Entry System or other procedures established by the County for determining whether a person qualifies as Experiencing homelessness, or chronic homelessness, and High-cost health user.
A client’s self-report of episodes of Experiencing homelessness and disability status.