Examples of False profile in a sentence
In both cases, if the proxy does not receive precise, new voting instructions for each of the matters upon which the proxy must vote on behalf of the shareholder, the proxy must abstain from casting a vote.
False profile of the pelvis: a new radiographic incidence for the study of the hip-its use in dysplasias and different coxapathies (in French).
Signature and date on map by the individual authorized in the resolution 3.
Staff members who complete time-certification must be listed in the staff True False profile, section in the on-line application.7. It’s okay to buy all CACFP food items from one retailer without comparing True False prices.Some centers are lucky enough to have people who are willing to donate a variety of foods for their use.
Although Twitter presents vast amounts of data, it also introduces some challenges that need to be overcome:• Informal language• Bots and spam• Multi-location users• Toponyms• False profile information• Scarce informationHaving these challenges in mind, we propose a framework called TweoLocator, for geographically locating a user in the globe by using only his/her public information.
Radiographic characteristic of DDH and acetabular retroversion AP radiograph False profile lateral radiographDDH LCEA < 20○, To¨nnis angle > 10○, valgus femoral neck-shaft angle >135○, varus femoral neck-shaft angle <120○, ex- trusion index >25%, broken shenton lineACEA < 20Acetabular retroversion Crossover sign, ischial tuberosity prominence NALCEA, lateral center-edge angle; ACEA, anterior center-edge angle; NA, not applicable.
Staff members who complete time‐certification must be listed in the staff True False profile, section in the on‐line application.7. It’s okay to buy all CACFP food items from one retailer without comparing True False prices.Some centers are lucky enough to have people who are willing to donate a variety of foods for their use.