Examples of Finding of no significant impact in a sentence
Also Finding of no significant impact in 1996 Stocking Procedures.
Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Section 51.32, Finding of no significant impact, 2008.CFR, 2008q.
Guild stated we will also be exploring the possibility of doing a “FONSI” study (Finding of no significant impact).
DECISION SUMMARYThis Decision Notice (DN) and Finding of no significant impact (FONSI) document my decision and rationale for implementing the Doc Denny Project.
With regard to this NEPA claim, the appeals court remanded the case "for a determination as to whether the project is a `major federal action' requiring FHWA to issue a FONSI [Finding of no significant impact] or an EIS [Environmental Impact Statement] in response to the third EA [regarding a corridor of the highway]." Southwest Williamson County Community Association v.