Funeral definition

Funeral means the ceremonies, rituals, processions, and memorial services held at a funeral site in connection with the burial, cremation, or memorial of a deceased individual.
Funeral means a service, ceremony, or rites performed for the deceased with a body present.
Funeral means the ceremonies, rituals, and memorial

Examples of Funeral in a sentence

  • It isexpressly agreedbetween theparties, in reference to the commercial relationship between the holder and beneficiaries of the Funeral Assistance and Innovus that any interpretation problem about the scope of the same and/or legal claim, that cannot be resolved in a friendly manner between the parties, shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of the State of Wyoming in the United States of America.

  • Regardless of membership, Funeral services shall be capped at four thousand five hundred dollars ($4,500.00 USD) per service.

  • Funeral Assistance: It’s a set of funeral assistance services that through an agreement will cover all expensesrelated to the funeral servicesof theholder and its beneficiaries during the agreed period in the plan and in accordance with the terms and conditions established in the agreement.

  • In addition to providing the above listed documentation, the Member, or an authorized representative of either, must contact the Funeral Assistance Support Team (“FAST”) within twenty- four (24) hours after the death occurred, and in any event, prior to taking any actions with respect to the funeral arrangements, or services, for the deceased.

  • Together they form the international funeral assistance LP Health Funeral Assistance supported by Innovus.

More Definitions of Funeral

Funeral means the funeral of the Beneficiary as provided for by the Plan;
Funeral or "funeral service" means the
Funeral means a period following death in which there are religious services or other rites or ceremonies with the body of the deceased, including cremated remains, present.
Funeral means a period following death in which there is an organized, purposeful, time-limited, group centered ceremony or rite, whether religious or not, with the body of the deceased present;
Funeral shall include a memorial or other equivalent service.
Funeral means the burial or cremation of a dead body;
Funeral means the ceremonies prior to burial by interment,