Examples of Generic prescription drug in a sentence
The Clean Water Act provides that a state program must have adequate authority "to abate violations of the permit or the permit program, including civil and criminal penalties and other ways and means of enforcement." See 33 U.S.C. § 1342 (b)(2)(b)(7).
Generic prescription drug manu- facturers, on the other hand, received a l80-day exclusivity period, awarded to the first company to successfully chal- lenge a brand name patent and enter the market.This 6-month exclusivity period hasbeen crucial to encouraging generic drug companies to make existing drugs more affordable.
Conti et al, Generic prescription drug price increases: which products will be affected by proposed anit- gouging legislation?”, page 4-5.
Any proposals received after the time and date above may, at the District’s sole discretion of the District, be returned unopened or set aside without consideration.
Generic prescription drug includes a prescription drug: (1) that is chemically equivalent to a brand drug; or (2) that UnitedHealthcare (UHC) identifies as a generic based on available data resources including, but not limited to, the daily Medi-Span file load memo that classifies drugs as either brand or generic based on a number of factors.
This means we need to be familiar with declarations, action plans and statements concerning HRH.
In other words, we assume that when prices charged by the two firms are identical, switchers employ an exogenous cue to break ties and purchase from one of the two firms.
Generic prescription drug dispensary with no controlled substances or over-the-counter medications.The proposal must include all three services to be considered.The proposed center will not offer occupational health services like worker’s comp, work-related employee physicals or drug screens.Proposal Elements: Proposals shall contain the following: General Information 1.
Generic prescription drug development; Generic manufacturers invest three to six years and anestimated $ 4 million to bring a new generic drug to market.
Those changes are as follows: Generic prescription drug increase from $3 to $5; non-generic (brand) prescription drug increase from $15 to $20; co-pay increase from $10 to $20.