Examples of Greater Newark in a sentence
The Legislature determines that it is in the public interest to43 establish three expanded innovation zones surrounding New44 Jersey's research institutions, to be located in Greater Camden,45 Greater New Brunswick, and Greater Newark and that: EXPLANATION – Matter enclosed in bold-faced brackets [thus] in the above bill is not enacted and is intended to be omitted in the law.
The Greater Newark Safer Cities Initiative (GNSCI) began in 1996 as a collaborative effort among law enforcement, community groups, social service agencies, clergy, and Rutgers University to address and temper the local violence problem.
The Greater Newark Health Care Coalition meets regularly and is supplementing the efforts of the TN, and identifying areas of collaboration.
The USGS estimated that as much as 26.7 tcf of natural gas could be present in continuous accumulations as nonassociated gas trapped in strata of two of the three Barnett Shale Assessment Units (AU)—the Greater Newark East Frac-Barrier Continuous Barnett Shale Gas AU and the Extended Continuous Barnett Shale Gas AU.12 Collectively, the units as comprise the Bend Arch–Fort Worth Basin.
Alternatively, comments may be submitted in writing to:Greg Bakerc/o Industrial Economics 2067 Massachusetts AvenueCambridge, MA 02474 A copy of this document is available for review online in the case administrative record at NOAA’s website for Lower Passaic River and Greater Newark Bay, or on the Department of the Interior’s (DOI’s) Damage Assessment Tracking System website at Diamond Alkali Superfund Site.
This was done to balance the budget which was supported by local fund raisers and individualized donations from citizens in the Greater Newark area.
Lyons) Reducing cardiovascular disease risk in the Greater Newark area: Understanding the causes and offering solutions.
With the tenacity, energy, in- telligence and willpower of Emma and Ramelle, there is no doubt they will meet this self imposed challenge.Mr. Speaker, I know my colleagues agree that the Massey Agency and the Newark com- munity have every right to be proud of the lasting contributions the agency has made to the Greater Newark Community.
Underline added.)Furthermore, looking to the whole of Public Utilities Code Article 16, in which most of the RPS Program statutes are codified, it is apparent that the Legislature did not grandfather all procurement eligible under a POU’s pre SBX1-2 renewables portfolio program.
Business Wire, “CareerWorks: Greater Newark Workforce Funders Collaborative Award $100,000 Grant to New Community Workforce Development Center’s Automotive Technician Program,” July 10, 2013, http://www.