Helper definition
Helper means a person engaged in general manual labor activities who provides assistance to an apprentice, journeyperson, or master while under the supervision of a journeyperson or master.
Helper on mainline pipeline construction means a person employed to assist a Journeyman and in buffing or grinding in preparation for a weld within the pipe gang and in buffing or grinding in preparation for non-destructive testing.
Helper or "laborer" means a person who assists a licensed tradesman and who is not an apprentice as defined in this chapter.
Examples of Helper in a sentence
Consisting of one (1) Line clearance man and one (1) apprentice or Line Helper driver.
If a Cable Splicer Helper is not available, a Line Helper Driver 2nd may be assigned.
Classification 1.0 1.5 2.0 Helper $216.00 $324.00 $461.80 Adjuster $305.00 $497.87 $663.82 Crew $521.00 NA $1039.04 • Yearly Safety testing will be included in the above pricing.
A Cable Splicer Crew: comprised of one (1) Journeyman Cable Splicer and one (1) Cable Splicer Apprentice, Cable Splicer Helper, or Line Helper Driver 2nd Year.
Consisting of one (1) Journeyman Cable Splicer and one (1) Cable Splicer Apprentice or Cable Splicer Helper.
More Definitions of Helper
Helper on distribution systems means a person employed to perform or assist in performing work covered by this Agreement.
Helper means a minor, ages 13 to 17, who assists in caring for children; and
Helper means anyone who aids in ministry. The helper must be at least three years older than the individuals with whom s/he is working.
Helper or "laborer" means a person who assists a licensed tradesman and who is not an apprentice as defined in 18VAC50-30-10.
Helper means any individual who accompanies and assists a commercial fishing license holder or licensed roe harvester in the harvest, possession, transportation, or sale of fish.
Helper or "laborer" means a person who assists a licensed tradesman.