Examples of Immediate-Or-Cancel in a sentence
Orders with time-in-force conditions Day, Good-Till-Cancel, Immediate-Or-Cancel (IOC) and Good-Till-Time as well as On-open Orders (Market-On- Open (MOO), Limit-On-Open (LOO) and Imbalance On-Open Orders (IOOP)) become eligible interest for the opening auction.
Market orders, limit orders and market-to-limit orders in continuous trading can be defined by the following execution conditions:• Immediate-Or-Cancel order (IOC) - This is an order which is executed immediately and fully or as fully as possible.
Once triggered, the order will enter the book behaving as an Immediate-Or-Cancel (IOC) market order that would start matching against the best available quotes/orders on the opposite side of the book prior to cancelling the rest of the order once the available liquidity was exhausted.
Orders with time-in-force conditions Day, Good-Till-Cancel, Immediate-Or-Cancel (IOC) and Good-Till-Time and On-open Orders (Market-On-Open (MOO), Limit-On-Open (LOO) and Imbalance On-Open Orders (IOOP)) become eligible interest for the opening auction.
The client can thenutilize different order types and Time In Force (FillOrKill, ImmediateOrCancel, GoodTillCancel) commands will work on a custom basis depending on available liquidity.