Eligible entity definition

Eligible entity means a political subdivision that has:
Eligible entity means a domestic or foreign unincorporated entity or a domestic or foreign nonstock
Eligible entity means an institution of higher education, a non- profit organization, or a governmental entity. For applicants seeking approval of an institution of higher education, which has been granted a charter in accordance with Education Code Chapter 12, Subchapter E, the commissioner will treat the institution of higher education as an open-enrollment charter.

Examples of Eligible entity in a sentence

  • Applicant/Sponsor – Eligible entity completing and submitting the application.

  • A copy of this form, as submitted to the Department of Labor, is to be included in the application for an insured loan if the Eligible entity has more than 100 employees.

  • The RESP Applicant must produce, to the satisfaction of the Administrator, an IWP, duly approved by the applicable governing body of the Eligible entity.

  • Analysis of local-level tools [Check all that apply and narrative where applicable] Eligible entity community needs assessments Eligible entity community action plans Public Hearings/Workshops Tools not identified above (e.g., State required reports)[specify]3.3c.

  • Eligible entity expenditures that exceed budgeted cost category amounts will not be disallowed for payment solely because of minor deviations from the budgeted amount.

More Definitions of Eligible entity

Eligible entity means a person eligible under the provisions of the Clean Water Act, the Safe Drinking Water Act, and the commission rules to receive loans for projects from any of the revolving loan funds.
Eligible entity means a political subdivision, including a college district, that has:
Eligible entity means a domestic or foreign unincorporated entity or a domestic or foreign stock corporation.
Eligible entity means a State (as defined in section 6302(5) of title 31), a local government (as de- fined in section 6302(2) of that title), or a private, nonprofit organization that enters into a cooperative agreement with the Secretary under this chapter to furnish procurement technical assistance to business entities and to defray at least one-half of the costs of furnishing such assistance.
Eligible entity means a corporation, partnership, association, firm, sole proprietorship, or other entity engaged in business.
Eligible entity means any clean energy manufacturer meeting the requirements of subsection A of
Eligible entity means (a) all California public school districts, county offices of education, and community college districts, and (b) any other public agency in the United States whose procurement rules, whether internal rules or rules enacted pursuant to statute, allow them to purchase goods or services through a procurement vehicle such as Ed Tech JPA.