Examples of includes in a sentence
Includes all arrangements and preparation for and the actual mobilization of personnel, material, equipment, supplies and/or tools or any other form of aid or assistance, including all related costs and expenses as set forth in this Agreement, provided by an Assisting Party to a Requesting Party, from the time of the official authorization by the Requesting Party and including the return and demobilization by an Assisting Party of its personnel and equipment, also as set forth in this Agreement.
Cumulative effects are the impacts on cultural resources which results from the incremental impact of the Undertaking when added to other past, present and reasonably Eligible (for Inclusion in the National Register) – Includes both properties formally determined as such in accordance with regulations of the Secretary of the Interior and all other properties that meet the National Register criteria as determined by the Federal Agency in consultation with the SHPO/THPO and other consulting parties.
Includes testing of water, waste, vent and process piping, and provide associated reporting.
Includes testing and balancing of various pneumatic and hydronic piping, and provide associated reporting.
Includes testing and balancing of any or all HVAC components including controls systems.