Examples of Incurred loss in a sentence
Regulatory Risk Reserve: The regulatory risk reserves warehouses the difference between the impairment balance on loans and advances as determined in accordance with the provisions of Prudential guidelines of Central Bank of Nigeria as opposed to the requirement of IAS 39 Incurred loss model.
Experience from inception for each calendar year and, where appropriate, each policy year must be displayed, including the following information: (1) Year (2) Collected premium (3) Earned premium (4) Paid claims (5) Paid loss ratio (6) Change in claim liability and reserve (7) Incurred claims (8) Incurred loss ratio (9) Expected incurred claims (10) Actual-to-expected claims (11) Active Life Reserves For future years, columns (3), (7), and (8) must be displayed.
Incurred loss and loss adjustment expenses attributable to insured events of prior years decreased by $19.9 million and $7.9 million for the six months ended June 30, 2019 and 2018, respectively, as a result of re-estimation of unpaid losses and loss adjustment expenses.
The following new or revised standards applicable to the Bank were adopted in 2005:• The fair value option• Incurred loss provisioning• Employee benefits• Investments in Associate Prior to the introduction of Fair Value Option (FVO) into IAS 39, all derivatives were required to be reported at fair value while the host contract (for example the borrowings) to which they relate were reported at cost, thereby introducing accounting mismatch.
Incurred loss and loss adjustment expenses attributable to insured events of prior years increased by $2.4 million and decreased by $13.3 million for the three months ended March 31, 2020 and 2019, respectively, as a result of re-estimation of unpaid losses and loss adjustment expenses.