Examples of Accident Year in a sentence
Accident year data is more useful in evaluating the claim experience during a particular period because it better matches the earned premium used to pay losses for injuries occurring in the year.
A description of each method and its use in understanding workers’ compensation follows: ❑ Accident year experience as of a specific evaluation date matches 1) all paid losses and loss reserves as of the specific evaluation date for injuries occurring during a given 12-month period (regardless of when the losses are reported) with 2) all premiums earned during the same period of time (regardless of when the premium was written).
Accident year data are used for loss reserving, since accident year losses are the most homogeneous in the age since the accident.
The total number of filled up teaching posts is 631 out of which 438 teachers are in active service and the rest of the teachers are on leave for higher studies and teaching and research in various universities/institutes around the world (as on February 11, 2017).
Accident year: all losses arising in a calendar year as a percentage of premiums earned in the year.