Examples of Independent home in a sentence
Some important items to note: ● The Intent to Home School form must be completed and submitted to the District Office EACH YEAR.● Independent home school students must provide PROOF OFIMMUNIZATION.● Students in grades 5, 7, and 9 must participate in STANDARDIZED ASSESSMENTS.
Kübler 2015 Independent home use of Brain Painting improves quality of life of two artists in the locked-in state diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, brain computer interfaces 2(2-3) 117-134.[37] J.
Independent home school students are those who register with the LEA (Maryville City Schools) through the Intent to Home School form (see addenda - Independent).
Expanded service payments for elderly and disabled - Independent home and community-based services case manager - Pilot program.
Medical assistance home and community-based services - Independent home and community-based services case manager - Pilot program.
Independent home ownership will be achieved by the graduation of households and whānau from a PHO scheme within the term of the PHO Fund.
Service payments for elderly and disabled - Independent home and community-based services case manager - Pilot program.