Indian allottee definition

Indian allottee means any Indian for whom land or an interest in land is held in trust by the United States or who holds title subject to Federal restriction against alienation;
Indian allottee. ’ means any Indian for
Indian allottee means any Indian for whom land or an interest in land is held in trust by the United States or who holds title subject to Federal re- striction against alienation.

Examples of Indian allottee in a sentence

  • Continuance of restrictions on alienation in patentPrior to the expiration of the trust period of any Indian allottee to whom a trust or other patent containing restrictions upon alienation has been or shall be issued under any law or treaty the President may, in his discretion, con- tinue such restrictions on alienation for such period as he may deem best: Provided, however, That this shall not apply to lands in the former Indian Territory.(June 21, 1906, ch.

  • Continuance of restrictions on alienation in patentPrior to the expiration of the trust period of any Indian allottee to whom a trust or other patent containing restrictions upon alienation has been or shall be issued under any law or treaty the President may, in his discretion, con- tinue such restrictions on alienation for such period as he may deem best: Provided, ho ever, That this shall not apply to lands in the former Indian Territory.(June 21, 1906, ch.

  • All allotted land so alienated by the heirs of an Indian allottee and all land so patented to a white allottee shall thereupon be subject to tax- ation under the laws of the State or Territory where the same is situate: Provided, That the sale herein provided for shall not apply to the homestead during the life of the father, mother or the minority of any child or children.(May 27, 1902, ch.

  • The trust had a term of 25 years, at which point a fee patent would issue to the individual Indian allottee.

  • You may re- turn to the actual dual accounting method only at the beginning of the next election period or with the writ- ten approval of ONRR and the tribal lessor for tribal leases, and ONRR for Indian allottee leases in the designated area.

  • Continuance of restrictions on alienation in patent Prior to the expiration of the trust period of any Indian allottee to whom a trust or other patent containing restrictions upon alienation has been or shall be issued under any law or treaty the President may, in his discretion, continue such restrictions on alienation for such period as he may deem best: Provided, however, That this shall not apply to lands in the former Indian Territory.

  • Deposit in royalty accounts of charges on royalties due and owing Indians All interest charges collected under this chapter or under other applicable laws because of nonpayment, late payment or underpayment of royalties due and owing an Indian tribe or an Indian allottee shall be deposited to the same account as the royalty with respect to which such interest is paid.

  • Sale for town site; removal of restriction For the purpose of allowing any Indian allottee to sell for townsite purposes any portion of the lands allotted to him, the Secretary of the Interior may, by order, remove restrictions upon the alienation of such lands and issue fee-simple patents therefor under such rules and regulations as he may prescribe.

  • The authorized offi- cer may also require the sign to in- clude the name of the Indian allottee lessor(s) preceding the lease serial number.

  • The Governor or other authorized of- ficial of any eligible State may request in writing that the Director delegate all or part of his/her authority and re- sponsibility for inspection, enforce- ment and investigation on oil and gas leases on Federal lands within the State and on Indian lands within the State where the affected Indian tribe or Indian allottee has given written permission for such inspection, en- forcement and investigation.

Related to Indian allottee

  • Allottee means a successful Bidder to whom the Equity Shares are Allotted.

  • Guardian ad litem means an individual whom the court appoints to assist the court in determining the child's best interests. A guardian ad litem does not need to be an attorney.

  • Lawyer-guardian ad litem means an attorney appointed under section 17c of this chapter. A lawyer-guardian ad litem represents the child, and has the powers and duties, as set forth in section 17d of this chapter. The provisions of section 17d of this chapter also apply to a lawyer-guardian ad litem appointed under each of the following:

  • Guardian ad litem program means a court-authorized

  • Scheme Shareholder means a person who is registered in the Register as the holder of one or more Scheme Shares as at the Record Date.

  • Participating employee means an employee whose election to participate in a Plan has been approved by the employer.

  • Employee Share Scheme means a scheme established by a company, whether by means of a trust or otherwise, for the purpose of offering 10 participation therein solely to employees and officers of the company or a subsidiary of the company, either—

  • Major Shareholder means a shareholder who directly or indirectly holds 10% or more of the voting rights.

  • Authorised Participant means the Initial Authorised Participant, the Second Authorised Participant and any Additional Authorised Participant.

  • Option Holder means a Person or Entity who holds an unexercised and unexpired Option or, where applicable, the Personal Representative of such person.

  • Major Shareholders Means a person who has an interest or interests in one or more

  • ² Shareholder means a person who owns shares in the company and is actively involved in the management of the company or business and exercises control over the company.

  • Shareholder Group means (i) Shareholder and (ii) any Affiliate or Shareholder Family Entity (as defined in the Shareholder's Agreement) of Shareholder (other than the Company).

  • Scheme Shareholders means the holders of Scheme Shares;

  • Optionee means the holder of an outstanding Option or Stock Purchase Right granted under the Plan.

  • Participating Shares means shares that entitle their holders to participate without limitation in distributions.

  • Votes means the number of votes entitled to be cast generally in the election of Directors.

  • Optioned Shares means Shares subject to an Award granted pursuant to this Plan.

  • Company Stock Option means an option to purchase shares of Common Stock.

  • Plan Share Award or "Award" means a right granted to a Participant under this Plan to earn or to receive Plan Shares.

  • Plan Shares means the total number of Common Shares which may be reserved for issuance as Optioned Shares under the Plan as provided in §2.2;

  • Dissenting Shareholder means a registered Company Shareholder who has duly and validly exercised its Dissent Rights in accordance with the YBCA and the terms of the Interim Order and has not withdrawn or been deemed to have withdrawn such exercise of Dissent Rights, but only in respect of the Company Shares in respect of which Dissent Rights are validly exercised by such registered Company Shareholder in accordance with the YBCA and the terms of the Interim Order;

  • Company Shareholder means a holder of Company Shares.