Examples of Indian health organization in a sentence
Therefore, those living in urban areas are often restricted from accessing tribally managed care, and are mainly channeled to the already overstretched urban Indian health organization system.
Urban Indian health organization staff members say it is common grand opening of the new facility of the n.a.t.I.V.e. Project in spokane, Wash.
Additionally, the urban Indian health organization network’s limited capacity reduces its reach.clinics are likely to be poor and uninsured, and, as explained below, Medicaid covers only part of the cost of their care.
H.R. 5221 would amend current law to require all agencies within the Department of Health and Human Services to establish Urban Indian health organization confer policies.
The inclusion of a representative of a national urban Indian health organization in such Group shall not affect the nonapplication of the Federal Advisory Committee Act (5 U.S.C. App.) to such Group.
It will be comprised, at minimum, of five (5) Nevada, five (5) Arizona, three (3) Utah Tribal Leaders, and one (1) urban Indian health organization (UIO) representative.
Indian Health Service (IHS) ● IHS headquarters is holding weekly conference calls with tribal and urban Indian health organization leaders from across the country to provide updates, answer questions, and hear concerns from tribal communities.
This provision clarifies that reimbursements be returned to the service unit, the IHS, a Tribal program or an urban Indian health organization and that there be no offsets or limit on the amount obligated to the service unit.
Research is a process in which the researcher wishes to find out the end result for a given problem and thus the solution helps in future course of action.5.1SampleThe study was conducted in a private sector Indian health organization of Uttar Pradesh (India).
Accordingly, the IHS Office of Urban Indian Health Programs (OUIHP) convened a strategic planning meeting for urban Indian health organization partners and key stakeholders in October to plan the immediate future of the urban Indian health organizations.The meeting provided a much needed framework to discuss the current status of urban Indian health and identify strategic goalsfor the future.