Indian Valley definition

Indian Valley means that portion of the district generally
Indian Valley means that portion of the district generally drained by Indian Creek. 316.
Indian Valley means that portion of the District generally drained by Indian Creek; and,

Examples of Indian Valley in a sentence

  • The YCFCWCD experienced two large fires at Indian Valley Reservoir, which burned power poles, the transmission line, and related power infrastructure.

  • Rare plants include Sebastopol meadowfoam, Burke's goldfields, Humboldt Bay owl's clover, Calistoga ceanothus, Baker's navarretia, coast lily, swamp harebell, Tracy's sanicle, Snow Mountain willowherb, marsh checkerbloom, pale yellow stonecrop, Scott Mountain phacelia, McDonald's rock cress, Klamath Mountain buckwheat, Oregon fireweed, Adobe lily, dimorphic snapdragon, Colusa layia, Indian Valley brodiaea, and Stebbins' lewisia.

  • The District holds appropriative Water Right Permits 12848 and 12849 issued by the SWRCB that collectively allow for direct diversion of up to 1,000 cfs from October 1 to June 30 of the subsequent year from Cache Creek and North Fork of Cache Creek, and for storage of up to 300,600 AF in Indian Valley Reservoir during the winter for later release.

  • In-lieu recharge takes place when farmers use surface water from Indian Valley Reservoir and Clear Lake; consequently, they do not need to pump as much water from the aquifers.

  • The Indian Valley Dam and Reservoir are owned and operated by the District.

  • The District also releases water from the Indian Valley Reservoir into the North Fork of Cache Creek.

  • Inflating the base period market value of $15,618 by the index for homeowner's rent, the "Deemed Asset Value" for cost year 2013-2014 is $52,298 per bed and will be used in the determination of nursing facility rates beginning October 1, 2015.

  • Fillmore & Western Railroad Fresno Traction Company Glendale and Montrose Railway Golden Gate Bridge Highway & Transportation District Harbor Belt Line Railroad (OBSOLETE 2003) Hobart Southern Railroad Company Holton Inter-Urban Railway Company (Part of UP) Howard Terminal Railway (Part of Port Of Oakland RR) Humboldt Northern Railway Company Indian Valley Railroad Company Key System Company Ltd.

  • The District’s surface water supplies consist of water stored in Clear Lake under pre-1914 rights, water stored in Indian Valley Reservoir under appropriative rights issued by the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB), pre-1914 rights from Cache Creek and North Fork Cache Creek, and riparian rights along Cache Creek and North Fork Cache Creek.

  • In years when inadequate water supplies are available from Clear Lake, the District will withdraw water from Indian Valley Reservoir.

Related to Indian Valley

  • Parkland means any publicly owned land which is designated or used as a public park, recreation area, wildlife or waterfowl refuge or historic site.

  • DfE means Department for Education;

  • Green means products, materials, methods and processes certified by a “Green Authority” that conserve natural resources, reduce energy or water consumption, avoid toxic or other polluting emissions or otherwise minimize environmental impact.

  • Corporation/ Corpn./ Department means the Central Warehousing Corporation.

  • Crown means the government of the United Kingdom (including the Northern Ireland Assembly and Executive Committee, the Scottish Executive and the National Assembly for Wales), including, but not limited to, government ministers and government departments and particular bodies, persons, commissions or agencies from time to time carrying out functions on its behalf;

  • OHP means the Oregon Health Plan.

  • Indian means a person who is a member of an Indian Tribe. If the Contractor has reason to doubt that a person seeking employment preference is an Indian, the contractor shall grant the preference but shall require the individual within thirty (30) days to provide evidence from the Tribe concerned that the person is a member of that Tribe.

  • Salmon means fish of the species Salmo salar (Atlantic salmon);

  • Indian child means any unmarried person who is under age eighteen and is either (a) a member of an Indian tribe or (b) is eligible for membership in an Indian tribe and is the biological child of a member of an Indian tribe;

  • Bancorp means Eagle Bancorp, Inc., a Maryland corporation.

  • School Corporation means the Western Xxxxx County Community School Corporation of the County of Xxxxx of the State of Indiana;

  • Gas Corporation means the body corporate established by section 4 of the Gas Corporation Act 1994;

  • dBA means sound pressure level measured on the "A" weight scale in decibels.

  • Highway means the entire width between the boundary lines of every way or place open to the use

  • Village means a village specified by the Governor by public notification to be a village for the purposes of this Part and includes a group of villages so specified.

  • AT&T MISSOURI means the AT&T owned ILEC doing business in Missouri.

  • Trinity House means the Corporation of Trinity House of Deptford Strond;

  • NV means Nevada

  • Academy means the academy named at the beginning of this Disciplinary Policy and Procedure and includes all sites upon which the academy undertaking is, from time to time, being carried out.

  • Forest means an area of land defined by the minimum values for area size, tree crown cover or an equivalent stocking level, and potential tree height at maturity at the place of growth of the trees as specified for each Member State in Annex II. It includes areas with trees, including groups of growing, young, natural trees, or plantations that have yet to reach the minimum values for tree crown cover or an equivalent stocking level or minimum tree height as specified in Annex II, including any area that normally forms part of the forest area but on which there are temporarily no trees as a result of human intervention, such as harvesting, or as a result of natural causes, but which area can be expected to revert to forest;

  • Canal means a man-made trench, the bottom of which is normally covered by water, with the upper edges of its two sides normally above water. [Section 403.803(2), F.S.]

  • Gold means elemental gold having an atomic weight of 196.967 and the chemical element symbol of Au, whether found by itself or in combination with its alloys or any other metal.

  • AT&T MISSISSIPPI means the AT&T owned ILEC doing business in Mississippi.

  • American Indian means a person who is enrolled as a member of a federally recognized American Indian tribe or band or who possesses documentation of at least one−fourth American Indian ancestry or documentation of tribal recognition as an American Indian.

  • Bishop means the Bishop of the Roman Catholic diocese of Leeds in which the Academy Trust Company is situated (as defined in Canon law) and includes any person exercising Ordinary jurisdiction in his name (including Vicars General and Episcopal Vicars) and any person delegated by him, including officers of the Diocese;

  • Residentia Group means Residentia Group Pty Ltd of 165 Barkly Avenue Burnley VIC, ACN 600 546 656 in respect of Appliances purchased in Australia;