Examples of Inspector of Custodial Services in a sentence
Consideration could be given to merging the Inspector of Custodial Services into the NSW Ombudsman’s Office to enhance its independence, enable closer co-ordination of complaints-handling, inspection and investigation functions, and to support the more efficient use of resources.Section 2, Page 116.
The IVS is managed by the Office of the Inspector of Custodial Services.
Inspector of Custodial Services Act 2003(1) The Inspector of Custodial Services Act 2003 does not apply in relation to a person who is in custody in another participating jurisdiction under the law of the State.(2) That Act applies in relation to a person who is in custody in the State under the law of another participating jurisdiction.
These include reports from the Auditor General, the Parliamentary Commissioner for Administrative Investigations (Ombudsman), the Commissioner for Children and Young People, the Parliamentary Inspector of the Corruption and Crime Commission and the Inspector of Custodial Services.
Finding 6: The Committee finds that the Inspector is not required under the Inspector of Custodial Services Act 2003 to investigate matters relating to the transport of persons in custody.
Assessment and Classification of Adult Offenders Following a review of the Department’s assessment and classification proc- esses in relation to adult offenders, the Inspector of Custodial Services tabled his report of the review in Parliament on 3 June 2008.
Constitution Acts Amendment Act 1899 Schedule V Part 1 Division 2 is amended by inserting after the item relating to the Information Commissioner the following item -“ Inspector of Custodial Services under the Prisons Act 1981; ”.
An independent study of the prison undertaken in November last year by the Western Australian Inspector of Custodial Services, Neil Morgan found that Acacia’s performance had improved since its privatisation, stating that “it is at least equal to the best public sector prisons in the State, and in many respects it is superior”.27 The Report goes on to say that the performance was even more impressive because of the increase in the prison’s capacity - from 785 prisoners to 1,000 prisoners since 2007.
Finding 9: The Committee finds that in the opinion of the Inspector of Custodial Services the uneven balance of contract management across a number of Department of Corrective Services contracts over the years represents significant risk.
Bail hostels, report prepared for the ACT Office of the Inspector of Custodial Services, Australian National University, Canberra, pp.