Examples of Interim Superintendent in a sentence
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: that the East Orange Board of Education, upon the direction of the Interim Superintendent of Schools, directs administration to obtain a purchase order and have it provided to the vendor/consultant prior to receiving any goods or services from said vendor/consultant.
The Interim Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education is committed to ensuring that all students succeed academically and reach their full potential in life.
The Interim Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education recognizes that a highly qualified, competent, skilled, and dedicated workforce is essential to the success of the District and the students.
The Interim Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Board of Education has determined that the warrants presented for payment are in order.
The Interim Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education recognizes that a highly qualified, competent, skilled and dedicated workforce is essential in the success of the District and students.
The Interim Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Board Secretary has certified that, as of the date of the report, no budgetary line item account has obligations and payments (contractual orders) which in total exceed the amount appropriated by the District Board of Education.
Therefore, it has provided the Interim Superintendent of Schools the authority to employ non-administrative and administrative staff members to participate in out-of-district professional development opportunities.
If concerns remain unresolved, they are to be directed to the Interim Superintendent of Schools.
To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS The Interim Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education is committed to ensuring all students succeed academically and reach their full potential in life.
Resolution, recommended by the Interim Superintendent of Schools, to confirm the outcome of the bullying incident and investigation.