Examples of International Pavilion in a sentence
No Participant, delegate or other officer, representative, agent or employee of the Participant shall give or cause to be given any interview, public announcement, press statement or any other publicity whatsoever in relation to the International Pavilion at the Exhibition.
The Participant shall not disclose or permit to be disclosed to any person or otherwise make use of or permit to be made use of any information relating to the business or affairs of World Trade Fair (International) Limited or other participants in the Exhibition which has been acquired by reason of the Participant's participation in International Pavilion at the Exhibition.
If the exhibitor withdraws from the contract later than 14 days after submission of the International Pavilion Exhibitor Application Form, 4000 CNY as compensation shall be charged.
Maidique Campus, MARC International Pavilion and on Wednesday September 10, 2014 at the Modesto A.
RECRUITMENT The Leader of the Council submitted a report (previously circulated) seeking approval for external advertisement:- Arts Manager, Royal International Pavilion PO 1 - Lifelong Learning Directorate: Culture and Leisure Clerical Assistant Sc 2 - Resources Directorate: RevenuesRevenues Assistants (Rents) Sc 4 Resources Directorate - Revenues RESOLVED that the external advertisements of the above posts be approved.
An update report on the EDRMS project would be included for their 28th May 2009 meeting.Members agreed that consideration of both the Llangollen Royal International Pavilion – Outline Development Plan and Corporate Project Management Methodology should be included in their Forward Work Programme.
Joining U.S. and Korea were China and Australia which exhibited at the International Pavilion for the first time.
Sub TOTAL (Country Pavilion, International Pavilion etc.) VAT Total: We are interested in Sponsor ship opportunities.
The Chief Executive of the Royal International Pavilion and LIME advised Members that a joint feasibility study had been commissioned by the Council and the Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod in respect of the future development and improvement of the Royal International Pavilion and its role as the home of the annual International Musical Eisteddfod.
Hughes), Chief Executive, Royal International Pavilion and Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod (G.L. Williams), Inspector/Adviser: P.E and Outdoor Education (A.