Examples of Investment Partnership Agreement in a sentence
Before the effective date of the HOME Investment Partnership Agreement, the participating jurisdiction may incur costs which may be charged to the HOME allocation after the award of the HOME allocation, provided the costs are in compliance with the requirements of this part (including environmental review requirements) and with the statutory and regulatory requirements in effect at the time the costs are charged to the HOME allocation.
However, these nonprofits are not eligible for any of the funds set aside for CHDOs. PJs have up to 24 months from the end of the month in which HUD signs the HOME Investment Partnership Agreement to reserve their 15% set-aside for CHDOs. Set-aside funds not reserved for CHDOs within 24 months are recaptured by HUD and are no longer available to the PJ or the CHDO.
Before the effective date of the HOME Investment Partnership Agreement, the participating jurisdic- tion may incur costs which may be charged to the HOME allocation after the award of the HOME allocation, pro- vided the costs are in compliance with the requirements of this part (includ- ing environmental review require- ments) and with the statutory and reg- ulatory requirements in effect at the time the costs are charged to the HOME allocation.(b) Administrative and planning costs.
After the partici- pating jurisdiction executes the HOME Investment Partnership Agreement, submits the applicable banking and se- curity documents, complies with the environmental requirements under 24 CFR part 58 for release of funds and commits funds to a specific local project, the participating jurisdiction may identify (set up) specific invest- ments in the disbursement and infor- mation system.
Grueff, Achieving a Successful Outcome for Agriculture in the EU–U.S. Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership Agreement, International Food & Agricultural Trade Policy Council Discussion Paper, February 2013.
HOME funds will be made avail- able pursuant to a HOME Investment Partnership Agreement.
Enter the participant number (from item 2 of the HOME Investment Partnership Agreement for Project Areas) for each fiscal year source of HOME project funds committed for the activity.
This will provide openings for our businesses and create high-quality jobs without compromising on our European values or standards.The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership Agreement (TTIP) with the United States remains a top priority for 2016.
Data shows that reliance on APIs accelerated during the pandemic and will continue to increase in 2021 and beyond.
The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership Agreement (TTIP), now under negotiation, could hamper needed changes towards affordability, needs-driven innovation and alternative incentive structures.