Examples of Issuer Profit Amount in a sentence
There is no general intention to accumulate surpluses in the Issuer other than the Issuer Profit Amount (being €1,000 per annum).
The amounts standing to the credit of the Issuer Accounts (including amounts standing to the credit of the Liquidity Reserve Fund Ledger, but excluding the Issuer Profit Amount and the amounts standing to the credit of the Swap Collateral Ledger) may be invested by the Issuer from time to time in Authorised Investments.
The Issuer shall ensure that for each type of Note issued (whether denominated in Sterling, a fixed rate bond, a floating rate bond or an indexed bond) it shall advance a corresponding loan under an Issuer/NWEN Loan Agreement to NWEN with the equivalent economic effect (less the Issuer Profit Amount).
In support of her Response to IU's summary judgment motion, Ms. Warren submitted an affidavit.
Given the Issuer Profit Amount (€250 on each Interest Payment Date) any allocation of jurisdictional Top up Tax to the Issuer is likely to be nominal.