Examples of Joint annuitants in a sentence
Owner's signature X Signed in (city) State Date Joint owner's signature, if any X Signed in (city) State Date Annuitant's signature (if other than the owner) Date X Joint annuitant's signature, if any Date X *IAN000064* *1* IAN000064 1 ICC14-70281 Application - Page 4 of 5 16.
Contract owner's signature X Signed in (city) State Date Joint contract owner's signature, if any X Signed in (city ) State Date Annuitant's signature ( if other than the owner) Date X Joint annuitant's signature, if any Date X [BAR CODE] [BAR CODE] ICC14-70280 Application - Page 4 of 5 16.
Joint annuitants must be either married, civil union spouses or in a common-law relationship with each other at the time of the application.