Examples of Judicial services in a sentence
Judicial services are provided by the judiciary by combining two kinds of tasks, administrative tasks and jurisdictional tasks, which are performed thanks to efforts A and e, respectively.
Judicial services (including use of pro-tems) are not to exceed twenty (20) hours per month without prior written approval of the Finance Director.
Judicial services are purchased from the North Dakota Supreme Court, through the county and state clerks of court and from State’s Attorneys.
Judicial services for the City of Berea are provided by the Berea Municipal Court.
Judicial services are operating relatively regularly in Sulaymaniyah, although they are prone to delays in court proceedings and the issuing of verdicts.
They offer crisis intervention referrals, conduct preliminary assessments with juveniles and their families, and make referrals for those youth with special needs. Judicial Services: Judicial services are provided by Family Court Judges operating under the South Carolina Unified (Statewide) Family Court Judicial System.
Legal & Law enforcement Sector - Ministry of Justice and AG’s Department, Judicial services, CHRAJ, and Ghana Police Service, Ghana Prison Service6.
Judicial services are operating relatively regularly in Sulaymaniyah Governorate, although they are prone to delays in court proceedings and issuing verdicts.
Cornwallis separated the duty of Civil Jude from Collector.o Bentick raised the power and status of Indians in Judicial services and appointed them as deputy magistrates and subordinate judges.o Though Indian legal system under British was based on concept of Equality before Law, there are few exceptions:▪ The Europeans and their descendants had separate courts and even laws.
The general Inspectorate for Judicial services will be equipped with computer workstations in order to take part in the fight against corruption.