Examples of Lag period in a sentence
Lag period military wages should have been calculated and entered onto wage files at the time of the "first claim filed" which assigned the wages.
In such case, the look-back year calculation is made on the basis of the calendar year determination year and, because there is no lag period, a separate determination year calculation under A—3(a)(2) of this § 1.414(q)-l is not required.(2) Lag period calculation.
For those jobs with no tenure, the Lag period will be four (4) weeks.
Lag period of CO2, ENGR and IPQIPC has positive and significant impact on Carbon emissions in the short-run which is confirmed by the sign and statistical significance of the coefficients of its second, third and fourth lagged values in the first differences.
RETURN TO JOBLAG Employees will be returned to their job if, during the eighteen (1 8) weeks Lag period, their services are required on their job.
Return to Job Lag Employees will be returned to if, during the eighteen (18) weeks Lag period, their services are required on their job.
In general and to the extent practicable, normal shift rotation will be maintained during the Lag period.
Lag period wages are wages paid after the base period but prior to the effective date of the claim.
This can be represented as:LM = (STO / OUT)* A where: LM – Lag period in months STO – StorageOUT – Outflow A – Multiplier used in computing lag The computer algorithm uses an array variable to record the reservoir concentration for all months during a simulation run.