Examples of Lead company in a sentence
The tenderer (Lead company and its sub-contractors) has paid its taxes and other statutory social contributions.
DHS 163.03 (66) "Lead company" means a company, partnership, corporation, sole proprietorship, association, governmental agency or other entity that performs, supervises, advertises, claims to provide or offers to perform or supervise a lead renovation activity, lead hazard reduction activity or, lead investigation activity, or lead training activity.
A Technical Lead company in this case shall have sufficient and satisfactory worldwide experience of Designing, Installing and Commissioning similar projects which shall be proven through relevant documents submitted with the proposal.
The Lead company is to conduct two Calls for applications for grants to start- ups and SMEs, to select 15 grant beneficiaries per each Call (30 in total).
Models of network-based apprenticeships in Germany • Lead company with partner firms: The main company signs the contract with the apprentice, but individual training modules are provided by the partner companies.
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Final use Value chainsConsumers Price Suppliers Key supplier Suppliers of materials and components Lead company Relational supplier Suppliers of materials and components Lead company Captive suppliers Lead companyIntegrated company4 LowLevel of explicit coordinationLevel of asymmetry of powerHigh Materials Source: Prepared by the authors, on the basis of Gereffi and others, 2005.
Each Expert Group is organized as a collection of Edit Groups dealing with specific protocols or APIs. Telcordia has been active in several aspects of the JAIN effort, including providing critical input to the JAIN TCAP Edit Group within the PEG which is standardizing a Java interface to TCAP, as well asbeing the Edit Lead company for the MGCP specification.
Lead company contact person for outside industry regulators and trade associations.
Relevant signatories cando this by sharing the link to their website with the relevant coordinating network if they already disclose this, or get support from a coordinating investor network on how to disclose that information.• Additionally, lead investors are expected to drive engagements by:• Developing deep knowledge about the focus company, theme or sector area;• Lead company investors (and other lead investors, if applicable) are expected to arrange regular meetings with their focus companies.