Lead Controlling Class Representative definition

Lead Controlling Class Representative means, with respect to the Lead Securitization, the holders of the majority of the class of securities issued in such Securitization designated as the “controlling classpursuant to the related Securitization Servicing Agreement for such Securitization or their duly appointed representative.
Lead Controlling Class Representative means, with respect to the Lead Securitization, the holders of the majority of the class of securities issued in such Securitization designated as the “controlling classpursuant to the related Securitization Servicing Agreement for such Securitization or their duly appointed

Examples of Lead Controlling Class Representative in a sentence

  • In addition, in no event may the Lead Special Servicer sell the Defaulted Securitized A Loan for a price less than the Defaulted Securitized A Loan Purchase Price unless the Lead Controlling Class Representative has approved such sale (but a failure by it to respond to the Lead Special Servicer within ten (10) Business Days following delivery by the Lead Special Servicer of a decision reporting package shall be deemed to constitute such approval).

  • It considers children as co-designers in the design practice of augmenting outdoor environment objects with the use of tools and rules explained in the following.

  • Subject to the terms of the Lead Servicing Agreement, each of the Lead Controlling Class Representative, each Non-Lead Controlling Class Representative, each Outside A Noteholder and each Note B Holder shall be included among the Persons who receive a bid package and are permitted to bid at any sale of the Defaulted Securitized A Loan unless such Person is a Borrower Party or an agent of a Borrower Party.

Related to Lead Controlling Class Representative

  • Controlling Class Representative shall have the meaning assigned to the term “Directing Certificateholder” in the Lead Securitization Servicing Agreement.

  • Class Representative means the named Plaintiff in the operative complaint in the Action seeking Court approval to serve as a Class Representative.

  • Class Representatives means Xxxx X. Xxxxx, Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxx, Xxxxxxx X. Xxxxxx, Xxxxxxxx X. Xxxxx, Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxx, Xxxxxxx X. Xxxxxx, Xxxxxxx X. Xxxxxxx, and Xxxx Xxxxx.

  • Controlling Class means (a) the Outstanding Class A Notes, (b) if no Class A Notes are Outstanding, the Outstanding Class B Notes and (c) if no Class B Notes are Outstanding, the Outstanding Class C Notes.

  • Lead Securitization Subordinate Class Representative means the “Controlling Class Representative” as defined in the Lead Securitization Servicing Agreement or such other analogous term used in the Lead Securitization Servicing Agreement.

  • Non-Lead Securitization Subordinate Class Representative means the holders of the majority of the class of securities issued in a Non-Lead Securitization designated as the “controlling class” pursuant to the related Non-Lead Securitization Servicing Agreement or their duly appointed representative; provided that if 50% or more of the class of securities issued in any Non-Lead Securitization designated as the “controlling class” or such other class(es) otherwise assigned the rights to exercise the rights of the “Controlling Noteholder” is held by the Mortgage Loan Borrower or an Affiliate of the Mortgage Loan Borrower, no person shall be entitled to exercise the rights of the related Non-Lead Securitization Subordinate Class Representative.

  • Controlling Noteholder means as of any date of determination the holder or holders of a majority of the Lead Securitization Note. At any time the Lead Securitization Note is the Controlling Noteholder and is included in the Lead Securitization, references to the “Controlling Noteholder” herein shall mean the holders of the majority of the class of securities issued in the Lead Securitization designated as the “controlling class” (or such lesser amount as permitted under the terms of the Servicing Agreement) or such other class(es) otherwise assigned the rights to exercise the rights of the “Controlling Noteholder” hereunder, as and to the extent provided in the Servicing Agreement.

  • Non-Lead Securitization Noteholder Representative shall have the meaning assigned to such term in the definition of “Non-Lead Securitization Noteholder”.

  • Class Representative Service Payment means the payment to the Class Representative for initiating the Action and providing services in support of the Action.

  • Non-Controlling Noteholder means each Noteholder other than the Controlling Noteholder; provided that, if at any time a Non-Controlling Note (or, at any time a Non-Lead Securitization Note is included in a Securitization, the Non-Lead Securitization Subordinate Class Representative) is held by the Mortgage Loan Borrower or a Mortgage Loan Borrower Related Party, no Person shall be entitled to exercise the rights of such Non-Controlling Noteholder with respect to such Non-Controlling Note.

  • Lead Securitization Directing Certificateholder means the “Directing Certificateholder” as defined in the Lead Securitization Servicing Agreement.

  • Controlling Note Holder Representative shall have the meaning assigned to such term in Section 6(a).

  • Majority Noteholders means the Holders of a majority by principal amount of the most senior then outstanding class of Notes.

  • Instituting Noteholders has the meaning set forth in Section 7.6(a) of the Indenture.

  • Non-Controlling Note Holder Representative shall have the meaning assigned to such term in Section 6(c).

  • Directing Certificateholder means the “Controlling Class Certificateholder” or other analogous term as defined in the Lead Securitization Servicing Agreement.

  • Noteholder Direction has the meaning set forth in Section 7.6(a) of the Indenture.

  • Lead Securitization Noteholder means the holder of the Lead Securitization Note.

  • Non-Lead Securitization Noteholder herein shall mean the Non-Lead Securitization Subordinate Class Representative under the related Non-Lead Securitization Servicing Agreement, as and to the extent provided in the related Non-Lead Securitization Servicing Agreement and as to the identity of which the Lead Securitization Noteholder (and the Master Servicer and the Special Servicer) has been given written notice. The Lead Securitization Noteholder (or the Master Servicer or the Special Servicer acting on its behalf) shall not be required at any time to deal with more than one party exercising the rights of a “Non-Lead Securitization Noteholder” herein or under the Servicing Agreement and, to the extent that the related Non-Lead Securitization Servicing Agreement assigns such rights to more than one party, for purposes of this Agreement, the Non-Lead Securitization Servicing Agreement shall designate one party to deal with the Lead Securitization Noteholder (or the Master Servicer or the Special Servicer acting on its behalf) and provide written notice of such designation to the Lead Securitization Noteholder (and the Master Servicer and the Special Servicer acting on its behalf) (such party, the “Non-Lead Securitization Noteholder Representative”); provided that, in the absence of such designation and notice, the Lead Securitization Noteholder (or the Master Servicer or the Special Servicer acting on its behalf) shall be entitled to treat the last party as to which it has received written notice as having been designated as the Non-Lead Securitization Noteholder Representative with respect to such Non-Controlling Note for all purposes of this Agreement. Prior to Securitization of any Non-Lead Securitization Note by the Non-Lead Securitization Noteholder (including any New Notes), all notices, reports, information or other deliverables required to be delivered to such Non-Lead Securitization Noteholder pursuant to this Agreement or the Servicing Agreement by the Lead Securitization Noteholder (or the Master Servicer or the Special Servicer acting on its behalf) only need to be delivered to each Non-Lead Securitization Noteholder Representative and, when so delivered to each Non-Lead Securitization Noteholder Representative, the Lead Securitization Noteholder (or the Master Servicer or the Special Servicer acting on its behalf) shall be deemed to have satisfied its delivery obligations with respect to such items hereunder or under the Servicing Agreement. Following Securitization of any Non-Lead Securitization Notes by the Non-Lead Securitization Noteholder, all notices, reports, information or other deliverables required to be delivered to such Non-Lead Securitization Noteholder pursuant to this Agreement or the Servicing Agreement by the Lead Securitization Noteholder (or the Master Servicer or the Special Servicer acting on its behalf) shall be delivered to the related Non-Lead Master Servicer and the related Non-Lead Special Servicer (who then may forward such items to the party entitled to receive such items as and to the extent provided in the related Non-Lead Securitization Servicing Agreement) and, when so delivered to the related Non-Lead Master Servicer and the related Non-Lead Special Servicer, the Lead Securitization Noteholder (or the Master Servicer or the Special Servicer acting on its behalf) shall be deemed to have satisfied its delivery obligations with respect to such items hereunder or under the Servicing Agreement.

  • Lead Securitization Note Holder Representative means the “Directing Certificateholder” or equivalent Person under the Lead Securitization Servicing Agreement.

  • Holder Representative has the meaning specified in Section 11.1.