Legend drug definition

Legend drug or "prescription drug" means any drug or device that has been determined to be unsafe for self- medication or any drug or device that bears or is required to bear the legend:
Legend drug means a drug limited by Section 503 (b)(1) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to being dispensed by or upon a medical practitioner's prescription because the drug is (a) habit forming, (b) toxic or having potential for harm, or (c) the new drug application for the drug limits its use to use under a practitioner's supervision. The product label of which is required to contain the statement "CAUTION, FEDERAL LAW PROHIBITS DISPENSING WITHOUT A PRESCRIPTION."
Legend drug means a drug limited by Section 503(b)(1) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to being dispensed by or upon a medical practitioner’s prescription because the drug is:

Examples of Legend drug in a sentence

  • Department of Licensing notification is required because: [ ] Over 13 & Alcohol, Drugs, UPFA <18, or Armed with F/A (not first offense) - (1) Respondent was 13 years or older at the time he/she committed the following offense: Alcohol under RCW 66.44; VUCSA under RCW 69.50; Legend drug under RCW 69.41; Imitation drugs under RCW 69.52; UPFA < 18 RCW 9.41.040(2)(a)(vi); and/or, an offense while Armed with a Firearm RCW 13.40.196; AND, (2) Respondent has a prior offense for the same offense.

  • Legend drug products for which the FDA has not approved an Abbreviated New Drug Application (ANDA).

  • Legend drug" means a drug that may be prescribed, administered or dispensed under federal or state law only pursuant to the prescription of an authorized prescriber.

  • Department of Licensing notification is required because: [ ] Over 13 and Alcohol, Drugs, UPFA <18, or Armed with F/A (not first offense) - (1) Respondent was 13 years or older at the time he/she committed the following offense: Alcohol under RCW 66.44; VUCSA under RCW 69.50; Legend drug under RCW 69.41; Imitation drugs under RCW 69.52; UPFA < 18 RCW 9.41.040(2)(a)(vi); and/or, an offense while Armed with a Firearm RCW 13.40.196; AND, (2) Respondent has a prior offense for the same offense.

  • Sale or delivery of non-CS Legend drug, or crimes involving fraud risks still be classed as CIMTs.

More Definitions of Legend drug

Legend drug means a drug defined by the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, as amended, and under which definition its label is required to bear the statement "Caution: Federal law prohibits dispensing without prescription.";
Legend drug means a prescription drug.
Legend drug means any drug that is required by state law or
Legend drug means any drug or drug product bearing on the label of the manufacturer or distributor, as required by the federal Food and Drug Administration, the statement “Caution: Federal law prohibits dispensing without prescription.”
Legend drug means any drug that is defined by section 503(b)
Legend drug means, for the purposes of MA, any drug requiring a prescription under 21 USC 353 (b).
Legend drug means any drug defined by section 503(b) of the