Examples of Covered drug in a sentence
Viagra is covered under the Enhanced Covered drug criteria, with a limit of 6 per month.
A Part D Covered drug is available only: 1) by prescription, 2) as approved by the Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) (or is a drug described under Section 1927(k) (2) (A) (ii) or (iii) of the Social Security Act), 3) if used and sold in the United States, and used for a medically accepted indication (as defined in Section 1927(k) (6) of the Social Security Act).
Let’s look at Scenario 3.In this scenario, Cloudy Health PBP 001 submitted a PDE for a Covered drug on November 10, 2017 for Sarah Gray with DOS October 15, 2017.
This is called“spenddown.” Covered drug costs for spenddown will be tracked automatically.
PDE Date of ServicePDE Record Submission Date * PDE 4 was rejected, so it will not appear on these reports.For PDE1, since it is a Covered drug, it appears in the September Reports 40 and 41.